Okay. I broke down. I've updated my gurabite account.

Oct 17, 2006 16:32

I couldn't help it. I wanted to post those stories so badly and November 6 is just too far away.

Plus the author that annoyed me has only reviewed one of my stories. Everything else happened in the review forum for her story so . . .

Anyway, I've been asked about these two stories in particular so, without further ado, chapter four to Tsukiyo and chapter seven to Tenderness.


Little flakes of snow whirled about him, obscurring his vision and chilling him to the bone. He had not dressed properly, having expected the weather to be in the high nineties. The weather had topsy-turvied and suddenly, much like his life had. It reminded Tohma of the snowglobes tourists bought when they were on vacation.

"Eiri, stop!"

Shuichi's distraught voice cut through the blonde's thoughts, and Tohma frowned. Was he reliving the night he'd pushed Eiri into the river? If so, why was he hearing Shuich's screams and not Eiri's low growls?

A loud splash followed the cry, and Tohma found himself running towards the sound as if his life depended on it, or at least Eiri's or Shuichi's. Who knew what was going on this time?

As he ran, the snow cleared and a park came into view. Tohma immediately recognized it as the place Eiri often frequented when he was struck down with writer's block. He saw the novelist leaning over the fountain, his hands in the water and holding someone under. Tohma knew beyond any doubt the person Eiri was trying to kill was Shuichi.


He started to run faster towards the two, to stop the novelist from hurting his lover, but golden eyes landing on him stopped the blonde in his tracks. Tohma knew those eyes and knew them well. He'd seen them the night Eiri had killed Kitazawa Yuki and the night he'd had to kill Eiri. He shivered. Those eyes were devoid of any emotion, and it scared Tohma like nothing else ever could.

"This is because of you," Eiri murmured, pulling Shuichi out of the water. His cold, emotionless expression never Tohma, not even for a second. "You know that, right? He's hurting because of you."

"No . . ." Tohma shook his head. The words Eiri spoke were lies. There was no way Shuichi would be hurting because of Tohma. He'd done nothing to the vocalist, not for several years. "It isn't true."

Shuichi sputtered and gasped for air. His lithe form trembled next to Eiri's taller frame, but he never got a moment's reprieve to catch his breath. The novelist shoved the singer back into the water, which had to be frigid in light of the snowy weather. A cold smirk graced his brother-in-law's features.

"All this pain. All because of you . . . Page two-hundred fifty-three . . ."


Tohma awoke with a start, sweat beading on his flesh and his heart pounding rapidly away. He had a difficult time breathing as well, and he gulped in air as quickly as he could until his lungs had calmed down. Once he had accomplished that much, Tohma threw the covers off and headed for the bathroom.

The dream had been an intense one, though he couldn't say why. It simply had been, and he needed to wash away the feel of it. Nothing had ever made him ever feel dirty but that dream had.

As he climbed into the shower, Tohma let out a deep sigh. Since Eiri's death three months before, he had noticed a change within himself, and it had to do with his feelings towards Shindou Shuichi. He'd become fiercely protective of the younger man, much in the same way he'd been protective of Eiri. In some ways, the feelings were stronger and he'd do anything he could to keep the vocalist safe. Such emotions frightened him, but they hadn't stopped him. He'd ordered a media shut down when it came to the singer and the after-effects of Eiri's death, and he'd made sure Shindou had received the best care possible during his hospital stay.

'He should be back from Kyoto by now.'

Burying his nightmare away for future analysis, Tohma finished his shower then proceeded to get dressed. He had to see the singer, to make sure Shindou was okay. The vocalist was all Tohma truly had left of Eiri. His brother-in-law had seen to it.


Tohma hummed softly to himself as he set about preparing for the day. It was a Saturday, and he had no particular place to be. The day presented many opportunities for him, and Tohma intended to take full advantage of as many as possible.

Tohma also needed to reflect on a few things. He had learned a great deal yesterday, and from a rather unlikely source. Shuichi was usually someone he trying to get information about, not from. Tohma just needed sort everything out in his mind, and to figure out how the new situations could be made to work, especially since he was not someone to waste an opportunity. Life as a Seguchi had taught him as much.

Of course, he wouldn't interfere with Eiri and Hiro's relationship, what little bit the two men had. He didn't think either of them would appreciate being pushed into something they probably weren't sure about, nor did he feel like they'd want to go public, not for a very long time. Public opinion was fickle and, in a situation such as this, would work against the two. The backlash would ultimately tear Bad Luck apart, and Eiri would suffer in the aftermath as well. Fans could be quite zealous, especially after a fantasy had been dissolved. Tohma knew from a past experience with another how fans could be once their ideals had been created. It wasn't a pretty picture, and one he would like to spare Shuichi and Eiri from enduring.

As he slipped into a black dress shirt, Tohma glanced in the direction of his bed and the small form curled under the blankets. A light frown touched his features while his fingers buttoned the garment.

Last night had not been a good one for Shuichi. The younger man had awoken at least three times throughout the night, each time drenched in sweat and shivering. His breathing had been laboured, too, as if Shuichi had been in the midst of a panic attack each time he woke, and he was frightened, truly frightened. The reasons behind the occurences had Tohma concerned.

At first, Tohma had wondered what could have disrupted Shuichi's sleep the way it had been and why. He knew it couldn't have had anything to do with the split from Eiri. From what Shuichi had said, the break-up sounded like it had been amicable enough. They'd both needed the space to keep the peace, and Shuichi had been the one to realize it. The were no reasons for the nightmares from that perspective.

It was only after the third nightmare Tohma finally managed to get the truth out of the vocalist. The truth had been bitter, and it made Tohma sick to even think of it.

Shuichi had seen, ar least thought he had, one of his rapists the day their fall out. Since he'd already been insecure, the memories had wormed their way back into his mind, causing the singer to relive the night of his rape. Shuichi had lived with the memories invading his sleep for the last week, adding more to Tohma's guilt.

It had been his fault, the incident with Taki Aizawa and Shuichi. Tohma saw that now. ASK had been his band to produce, yet he'd also gone out of his way to help promote Bad Luck. Granted, he had only done so because of Eiri and Ryuichi. It was his duty to make sure both bands succeeded, but his attention to Bad Luck had nearlydriven Aizawa to the edge. The man had been desperate to guarantee his position at NG, to the point where he'd had Shuichi sexually assaulted. Tohma wasn't entirely sure what else had happened that fateful night, but he knew the effects it'd had on Eiri afterwards. He'd hated Aizawa for going to such lengths, and pitied him. He'd done what was necessary to erase Aizawa from both Eiri's and Shuich's lives, though at the time it had been for Eiri only.

A soft moan coming from Shuichi brought Tohma out of hsi musings, and his eyes focused on the bed once more. The blankets had been pushed back some, and Shuichi was starting to sit up. He looked decidedly adorable, in Tohma's opinion, with his mussed up hair and dreamy expression, but the blonde was still worried.


Sleep-filled amethyst eyes landed on him, and the vocalist smiled. Tohma paused in what he was doing as a strange sensation washed over him. It left him feeling slightly breathless yet energized at the same time.

"Morning, Tohma," Shuichi murmured, crawling towards the blonde. The singer stopped when he reached the edge of the bed and sat there, yawning.

"Morning . . ."

Tohma's hand moved of its own accord, and caressed a pale cheek. Shuichi looked so white, though not nearly as bad as he had yesterday. The blonde idly wondered why he hadn't noticed the singer's wan appearance sooner. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," the vocalist admitted, his smile growing a little wider and a little warmer. "Still tired."

"You get some more rest then." Shuichi shook his head in the negative.

"I can't," he explained. "I have to do some shopping. It's my parents' anniversary today, and my sister and I have been planning something special for them."

Tohma raised an eyebrow at Shuichi. The vocalist needed the rest -- they both knew it -- but Shuichi would be stubborn about staying in bed. Eiri had often commented to Tohma about stubborn and determined Shuichi was. Tohma knew he was better off not trying to persuade the younger man otherwise. Still, he wanted the singer to take it easy for the rest of the day. It wouldn't do for Shuichi to pass out from exhaustion. Tohma finished buttoning his shirt, his mind set on a different approach. If he couldn't get Shuichi to rest, the least he could do was make sure the singer had a relaxing and fun day.

"What else do you need to get done?" he inquired. Shuichi blinked then ran a hand through his mussed-up hair.

"Not much really. Just something for me to wear for tonight."

"No gifts?"

"No." Shuichi shook his head. "Got those last week."

'The reason why he was late . . .' Tohma smiled.

"Hmmm . . ."


He heard the unspoken question and uncertainty in Shuichi's voice. The younger man wanted to know what he was thinking. Tohma flashed Shuichi a smile then gave him a kiss.

"I know just the place to go."

* * *

Shuichi had butterflies in the pit of his stomach, and he couldn't stop himself from fidgeting. Tohma was taking him shopping. They were going to do something technically as a couple. In public. Where people could see them. Even though no one would recognize Shuichi -- he made sure he had his hat and sunglasses on -- people would undoubtedly recognize Tohma. NG's president had quite the distinguishing presense. People couldn't help but recognize the blonde. Shuichi still wasn't ready for his relationship with the older man to become public knowledge, and there was always a chance for someone to realize who it was with the blonde.

"Relax, Shuichi," he heard Tohma say. A hand rested on his knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "No one will see anything we don't want them to see. I promise."

Shuichi just nodded. Tohma had assured him the shopping trip would be quick, and no one would really have a chance to get close to them. The shop would have several outfits waiting for them upon their arrival. They also had promised Tohma to sequester off a section, giving the two a private sanctuary in which to try on the clothing. Shuichi didn't think it would be fast, not when he and Tohma shared a penchant for unusual yet stylish clothing, but had agreed to go on the promise of privacy.

'As long as we can get to the restaurant before my parents, I don't care how long it takes,' he told himself. 'That's all that matters.'

Slowly, Shuichi began to relax. He wanted to enjoy himself as much as possible today. It was a special day, and in more ways than one. A smile touched his lips as he envisioned how the evening would go.

"Feeling calmer now?"

Shuichi nodded again and glanced at Tohma, his smile still in place. The butterflies in his stomach were slowly subsiding. He still had some reservations, but they had nothing to do with the shopping excursion with Tohma. They were about the blond-haired man driving him to 109*, one of the trendiest fashion stores in Tokyo. Shuichi had no clear idea as to what he could expect from Tohma, but he also wanted to give the older man a chance. He liked how he felt around the blonde; it seemed like it had been a long time since he'd been this happy and content. Shuichi also didn't believe he could live without knowing how things could have been between them. He wanted to know, and was willing to give the relationship another chance, a better one. After all, he'd given Eiri multiple chances throughout their time together. Tohma, in the singer's mind, deserved just as much from Shuichi.

Now all the vocalist had to do wwas invite Tohma to his parents' anniversary dinner without arousing suspicions . . . somehow.

* * *

"Are you sure about this?"

He paused for a moment then smiled broadly. A pair of sunglasses rested on the bridge of his nose.

"I see . . . That is interesting, very interesting indeed. I thank you very much for calling me. I appreciate the information. I'll be sure to put it to good use."

The man hung up his phone then looked at the latest headline. It was still about the split of novelist Eiri Yuki and vocalist Shuichi Shindou, which he found to be quite boring, contrite, and old news. The media still speculated on the causes, especially since neither man had been very forthcoming about the sudden departure from each other. All of Japan wanted to know everything about it, even now.

The man's smile still remained as he read the paper.

From what he'd heard, Tohma Seguchi was also going through a separation. The divorce papers had been filed a few months before, around the time Shindou and Yuki had announced their break-up. He didn't have all of the details about Tohma's split with his wife, who also happened to be Eiri Yuki's sister, but then it hardly mattered. He had all the information he needed. A few well-placed rumours to the right papers, and Tohma Seguchi would be finished. He would see to it personally this time.

"Your days are numbered now, my friend. Revenge shall finally be mine."



Edited for review comment.

Edited again: Gurabite account has been "updated" once again. Definitely time for me to back away.

tohma x shuichi, fanfiction, shuichi shindou, writing, gravitation, challenges, 50gravi challenge, shuichi, fanfic, 30_kisses, tohma/shuichi, tohma

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