[fanfic] Kiss Me Softly, Chapter 3 (Gravitation, 30kisses, Eiri x Shuichi)

Aug 17, 2006 11:47

I think I only have two fanfiction entries for today. Could be more. I'm trying to locate everything. :P Maybe I should create a folder for the LJ community challenges. That might be easier than browsing through all of my fanfic folders.

Anyway, some more Gravi fanfic for the Gravi fans.

Title: Kiss Me Softly
Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing: Eiri "Yuki" Uesugi x Shuichi Shindou
Warnings: Er . . . none right this moment. Some harsh language but this is Eiri we're talking about. I think that's expected. ;) Oh, and m/m situations. It is Gravitation, after all. lol
Summary: Some everyday moments that they shared. They were about to become more precious than either could have realized.
Big thanks to kageotogi for beta-reading this for me!

“ . . . Eight . . . nine . . . ten . . . Okay, let it out.”

Eiri watched as the doctor checked Shuichi’s breathing one final time, his hands twitching. He wanted a cigarette badly and he wanted to get the hell out of that damned hospital, his lover in tow. The test results had not come back yet so he wasn’t able to leave this miserable place. His lover’s doctor was reluctant to let Shuichi go until they knew the results of the tests.

“Everything’s normal,” he heard the doctor say to Shuichi. “You should be able to go home within the hour.”

The vocalist merely smiled, his eyes tired, and Eiri had to refrain from snorting at the physician. Both men had heard that one before, but knew better than to say anything. The doctor was being cautious, and Eiri didn’t blame him. He couldn’t blame the man, really. Not after one of the nurses had accidentally given Shuichi a new bruise the night before.

Once the doctor left, Eiri closed the distance between he and the vocalist, and took Shuichi in his arms. His lover leaned heavily against him, a ragged sigh escaping the younger man. Eiri had to fight back a sigh of his own. He knew that, for as tired as he was, Shuichi was even more so. The tests the doctor had ordered were taxing. Eiri saw the effects they’d had on Shuichi. The vocalist needed rest, not to be poked and prodded every hour.

“Don’t worry,” he murmured into his lover’s hair and giving Shuichi a light kiss. “We’ll be going home soon. I promise.”

fanfic, writing, gravitation, eiri x shuichi, 30kisses

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