Shinra SOLDIER Chapter 106

Nov 30, 2012 00:33

A Series of Concerns

Chapter 106.) - in which Reno listens to Sephiroth shower

: "Here we are again, my most unfortunate friends. Our final drinking game of this story, supervised by yours truly. As much as I am inclined to desecrate every last bit of the game rules and drink myself into a stupour before this chapter starts, my sense of honor has made it impossible for me to be anything but your suffering bartender."

: "Alcohol tolerance, Gen. Build it."

: "Your mouth, Angeal. Shut it."

: "Enough with this. What are the rules this time?"

: "One shot for whenever Julia is useless..."

: "Hey, not fair!"

: "What are you talking about? Useless is her default state!"

: "Ahem. Two shots for every stupid decision or behavior and a swing from the bottle for every time biology and toxicology are completely disregarded."

: "Great. How did we get roped into this again?"

: "Lian Hua insisted I complete my punishment."

: "How did she stay sane through all of this, I wonder?"

Lian Hua: Brain bleach. And Iscariot. But mostly my love for you guys.

"God damn it!" Reno pushed the redial on his PHS for the thirtieth time. Finally he hung up and pocketed the PHS. "Tseng, he's still not picking up."

: "Sorry, too busy preparing the festivies to come in four chapters. ER... I mean.. drowning in guilt and my own crimson life. Woe."

Iscariot: Wow. He rang the PHS 30 times? What was his thought process there? "Oh man I've called him like 13 times now but he'll totally pick up on the 14th." Seriously, in the time that Reno is wasting trying to reach Sephiderp by phone, he could have arrived at the mansion by now to see what's going on.

Frowning, Tseng replied, "He told me he would keep his PHS on him all night…" after a pause, he continued. "This isn't like him at all…and frankly, he's worrying me. I hate to ask you, Reno…but could you run by his house and check on him?

: "Isn't Reno already watching over Julia? Shouldn't Tseng check up on Sephiroth? He doesn't seem to be doing anything important."

: "None of them are."

You can tell him that the doctors have gotten a transfusion set up…and that they're patching up the bullet wound as we speak."

: "Didn't they say the bullet wound wasn't sealing properly in the last chapter?"

: "Oh no, Juliaverse lied to us. The shock."

: "Maybe they're just stuffing things into the hole."

: "Yes. Like killer bees."

: "Glass shards!"

: "A bit of salt."

: "Fiberglass and super glue!"

: "Needles!"

: "Cactuars!"

: "Hey, now! That would just be cruel... to the cactuars."

"Yeah. He's freaking me out too…so I guess I'll drop by and lecture him." Trying to laugh, Reno got to his feet. "I'll call you when I get there." He turned to leave, and paused. "Huh…I thought I had something important to tell you…but I've forgotten what that was. Never mind…I'll just be on my way."

: "I assume this will no doubt come up later and it will lead to big reveals and tragedy. Should we take a shot?"

Desperately trying to maintain his sanity, he turned and left the hospital.

: "Even the characters of Juliaverse are slowly beginning to lose their sanity. Wasn't Tseng being mentioned as losing his in the past chapters? And wasn't Boytoy smirking insanely as he was carving himself like a Halloween pumpkin?"

: "It comforts me that we're not the only ones being driven insane by this story."

Pulling into the driveway, the first thing Reno noticed was the abundance of lights that were turned on in the house.

: "Hah! Boytoy is already partying, I see."

: "Maybe he's afraid of the dark."

Frowning, he parked the truck and headed up the walkway, to notice that the door was slightly ajar. Pushing it open, he crossed the foyer and glanced around.

: "I told you."

"…Seph?" He called out, waiting for a reply of some sort. He couldn't hear his own voice over the sound of hundreds of people celebrating Julia's imminent demise.

After a brief pause, he walked up the stairs, deciding that perhaps his friend had not heard him the first time. Nevertheless, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong.

: "Last time you guys entered the house after it showed signs of activity, people died. How about you get backup before you investigate - you know what, nevermind."

: "Just stop trying, Angeal."

Wandering down the hall, Reno entered the Master Bedroom, but found no one there except Lazard, who was swinging from the chandelier above. Seconds later, Scarlet fell from the wardrobe. He noticed that the bathroom light was on, and decided to check in there, just to be safe.

"Oh my God…" Reno groaned, dashing over to the shower stall. His fingers flew to Sephiroth's wrist to feel for a pulse.

: "From the way she wrote it, I'm surprised I have a wrist left."

: "She does like to see you maimed and injured."

Miraculously, he was alive.

: "That's not a miracle, it's a curse!! A miracle is when someone poisons you, shoots you at point blank, dumps your body into a frozen river and you still survive! A miracle is when you leave a Japanese train unmolested! Not when you get to keep living in Juliaverse!"

"Full Cure!" He let the sparkling green magic flow from his hands into Sephiroth's body…slowly healing the lacerations covering his arms and torso.

: "What's so funny?"

: "A man once told me never to use an unscientific term such as sparkling green healing magic."

: "This Reno fellow has been on a life saving spree lately, hasn't he?"

: "Took a bullet for Julia in the morning, rushed her to the hospital in the afternoon and saved Sephioth's life in the evening."

: "Actions most regrettable".

Sephiroth opened his eyes and groaned quietly.

"I'm still in this fic..."

"You okay?" Reno asked uncertainly.

Iscariot: In case our dear readers have forgotten (because the pacing is still mind-numblingly bad), despite the fact that eleven chapters have gone by since Sephiroth's arm was in a cast, his knees were weak from being shattered, and he was told he'd be fully healed in two weeks, only a DAY HAS PASSED in Juliaverse.

So now Sephiroth has weak knees, an unhealed broken arm which he apparently tore the cast off of and his arms, chest and shoulders look like he got a massage from Wolverine. No wonder he snapped! All of this is still because Julia is being a USELESS BURDEN.

At first, he didn't reply. When he found the strength to speak, he countered with a question of his own. "Is Julia dead yet alright?"

The Turk sighed, knowing that he would have to entertain Sephiroth's questions before he would figure out what the hell was going on.

Lian Hua: The party got a little out of hand when Sephiroth tried to wrestle a behemoth.

"Unless I miss my mark, she's going to be fine.

Lian Hua: We pray you miss your mark like Slave missed the point of Final Fantasy VII.

You probably heard that the poison Hojo used is no longer a threat.

: "Toxicology must be filing a lawsuit as we speak."

What you haven't heard is that the doctors over at the hospital have set up a transfusion…and they're healing the bullet wound, or at least they're working on it. So, in summary, Julia is going to be alright.

Now I have a couple of questions for you."

: "Please, just tell me the truth. She's going to die, right? That's what I need to hear right now."

He nodded. "I'll answer your questions on the way to the hospital." Rising, he looked over at Reno. "I'm going to shower off…it won't take longer than a moment. Care to join me?"

"Wait…Do you really think going there is a good idea, what with that psychotic alien rampaging in your head?" Pushing his flaming red hair out of his face, he stared over at his friend.

: "A rare display of common sense! Quick, capture its fleeting glory before it disappears forever into the cesspool of Juliaverse!"

"…She's been dealt with." Sephiroth allowed himself a carnal grin fleshy smile. "I know how to defeat her now…and she will never again be able to use me to harm my wife. Oh, and Reno, did you know what wonders trepanning can do for your spiritual well-being? All the sin just floats out of the hole they make in your head!"

"Uh…how did you beat her?" Reno asked confusedly.

"The Cetra-cells are carried in one's bloodstream…so by getting rid of the better portion of my blood, I also got rid of her."

: "Hey, that's against the rules!!"


Still a little confused, he simply nodded. "If you're sure…"

For the first time since he had left the Turk Headquarters, a look of uncertainty crossed his face. "…I know I won't hurt her. But…will she even want me there…after what I've done to her?"

Lian Hua: Pft, she wanted you back hours after you raped her under Jenova's influence.

Iscariot: And all the emotional string along you gave her during high school seemed to only make her want you more.

: "Oh, don't remind me."

: "What are you complaining about? You are allowed to drink."

: "Nothing will erase this from my mind."

: "Sephiroth's reaching his limits, I hope this fic ends soon."

: "I hope too. It's heartbreaking."

"Yes. Of course she'll want you there. I haven't been able to talk to her since getting her to the E.R, but on the way over she was more worried about you than worried about herself."

Lian Hua: But she had no problem worrying him and everybody else to death through her silence.

Iscariot: Slave could hardly miss a chance to flatter her self insert, of course.

He smiled reassuringly. "You don't know how much your presence will mean to her. She loves you…and I can't think of a single day that she hasn't wanted you at her side, the needy codependent hussy."

After considering this for a moment, Sephiroth nodded. Though to Reno's eyes he still hadn't quite shaken off the cloud of depression that was plaguing him, he was trying hard not to show it. "Alright, you can get out of here now." Attempting to smile, he offered, "Help yourself to whatever food happens to be in the house."

"Okay. But you'd best hurry it up!"

Lian Hua: Going a little off topic here, I would like to say that at this point in the story, the President doesn't appear to know the following:

1. That Tseng shot Sephiroth in the man's own office because he was strangling Julia.
2. That there was an assassination attempt on Julia's life from within the Shinra HQ.
2. That Hojo poisoned Julia.
3. Why Sephiroth, Julia and two Turks are missing work.

"I'll meet you in the kitchen. Once Reno had shut the door behind him, Sephiroth let the façade of happiness fall once more.

Despite what Reno had said, he couldn't help but remember all the hell that his precious wife had gone through…because of him. The facts were unavoidable…she would have been happier if he had never come into her life.

Lian Hua: We all would.

That wasn't true, another part of his mind countered. She would most likely be dead at her father's hand if he hadn't gotten her out of the abusive family life that she had been in before he knew her.

: "You know, I read the script for the past chapters, and we missed Boytoy using Julia as a meatshield."

: "Did someone at least get it on camera?"

: "It was the third proudest moment in my life. The first, of course, was making SOLDIER 1st Class. The second was finally getting my bangs to do the flippy-thing."

: "Granted, it was under Jenova's influence, but I still think it counts as a crowning moment of awesome."

: "Speaking of the wonderful bundle of glory that Jenova is, I never understood why Boytoy never investigated her. He knew that she had been unearthed by and in the possession of Shinra, and that Hojo had access to her cells, which means he knew where she was being kept. Why didn't he ever try to find her and destroy her?"

: "You're on to something here. He could have asked Tseng and the rest of his Turk buddies to snoop around for information about her whereabouts. Or taken a more direct approach and asked the President, since he's so easy to fool. Or even taken advantage of the times in which he overpowered Hojo and asked the professor directly."

: "That, like all reasonable thoughts, never even crossed his mind."

Letting the hot water run over him, washing the dried blood from his hair, he sighed, willing all thoughts to leave him.

: "That's the last time I let you give yourself a haircut, Sephiroth."

: "Heh, what's a haircut?"

: "Something us lesser mortals get sometimes."

If he could just concentrate on making sure Julia was indeed alright…perhaps he could maintain his sanity for at least a while longer.

Lian Hua: It sounds like he's going to snap no matter what. Julia surviving would only make the event occur a little later.

Downstairs, Reno heard the shower turn off.

Lian Hua: In a huge, fully furnished mansion. Um, no. He's not going to hear a shower turning off in a closed-door bathroom in a bedroom above the kitchen. In a large mansion.

Tossing his beer bottle into the trashcan, he wandered into the foyer to wait.

"Alright…let's go." Sephiroth said as he descended the stairs.

With a brief nod, Reno followed him out the door and to his waiting truck.

: "This is boring. Can we just let this go on in the background and focus on more interesting topics?"

: "Such as?"

: "A matter of vital importance, gentlemen: what will happen after Julia dies?"

: "...the best party in living memory?"

: "Haha, you bet. I was thinking about something else, though. When Julia dies, where will she go?"

: "To hell, of course. I bet Satan is not looking forward to the day he'll have to pack his bags and make room for her."

: "It's true that the ideas of heaven and hell exist in Juliaverse, but so does Mako. This means that the Lifestream also exists... will Julia dissipate into it once she dies?"

: "I do not think so. An abomination like her will likely clog up the Lifestream, festering and oozing negativity."

: "I don't even want to imagine that monster polluting the Lifestream. Her actions are so horrible that the Planet will probably need the entire force of the Lifestream to clean the filthy, bleeding ball of evil that she will undoubtedly be reduced to after her death. Do you realize what this means?"

: "That we'll have to kill her in space?"

: "Actually... yes. We can't afford to have such a monster dissolve into the Lifestream. We'll have to have think of something."

: "As I see that you are all disturbingly sober, we will have to continue our safari into pointless into the next chapter as well."

shinra soldier final fantasy 7 iscariot

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