Oct 30, 2006 00:34
I still don't understand how Camille and I can stand each other. We're so different. No, not your everyday different. Extremely different. Don't get me started. I'd fill enough to bore you without getting to half of it. We never agree. Oh wait, we agree to disagree, if that counts. But that's it.
Bring up a topic, and the next thing you know we're close to each other's necks in a semi-heated discussion. The other otg kids are in another class, so we stay with each other. Surprisingly, we put up. I never minded. (I don't know about her, haha!) It's just amazing how we never run out of things to discuss. For the past 16 months, (excluding summer) we've talked about a whole bunch of stuff, and yet I know that there's still a lot of things to say.
I feel like we've grown tired of trying to convince the other about anything. We simply... accept. We're not the closest of friends, but given the huuuge difference in our backgrounds and views, it's something to speak of.