With 10 days to go until my annual Polar Plunge into Lake George to raise funds for Special Olympics New York, I find it's time to get serious.
Not surprisingly, it's been a slow year for fund-raising. I do understand that.
I am buoyed by the fact that the last week before the plunge tends to "heat" up a little, and I am also willing to take drastic measures.
To wit, I am currently at just under $500 in donations.
If I can triple that, to $1,500, I will wear a New York Yankees cap into Lake George when I plunge at noon on Saturday, Nov. 19.
If you know me -- even a little -- you know what this means. You know just how much I must want it. My children may never forgive me.
I also have several door prizes, including Special Olympic t-shirts, that will be drawn from a list of folks who donate.
I do have to say, that we are getting more and more people interested in plunging. We have 340 people registered already, which is almost as many as we had registered the day before the plunge last year.
We have raised $25,000 of our $100,000 goal.
Please help if you can!
http://2011.kintera.org/lakegeorgeplunge/liam or our team at:
http://2011.kintera.org/lakegeorgeplunge/agnidentati If you can donate, great. If you want to plunge, contact me. You can even be "chicken" and raise money and watch from the Chicken Coop on the beach or from home.
Please pass this on and pump up the volume.