OMG notRoryStone: fml, how are you?
ambria welds: Hey you! I'm good.
OMG notRoryStone: and i will some day get your postcard into the mailbox, honest
ambria welds: Is the mailbox really far away or is the postcard super heavy? ;-)
OMG notRoryStone: if i say yes, will that make me seem all sorts of endearling cute in an insufferably childish sort of way?
OMG notRoryStone: i left some letters out there, i will now play the english is not my first language card
ambria welds: Maybe! Either that, or I will just have to assume that you are writing me the most awesome postcard ever in the history of postcards and it is taking so long because it is a masterpiece and you can't rush such things.
OMG notRoryStone: well now there is all this performance anxiety and pressure because of your expectations
ambria welds: Is English really not your first language btw?
OMG notRoryStone: mmm, kinda
OMG notRoryStone: i learned english and gaeilge at the same time
ambria welds: Oh cool! I wish I knew that. My grandpa speaks a few words and supposedly my great-grands on dad's side were fluent
OMG notRoryStone: i wish more people spoke it in general, even people born and raised in ireland don't speak it anymore. except in a few areas, like where my da grew up...which is why he made sure i learned it too.
OMG notRoryStone: it's pretty useless, really
ambria welds: Yeah, that's a shame isn't, that it's dying out?
ambria welds: If you ever feel really patient, maybe you could teach me some!
OMG notRoryStone: :-D
OMG notRoryStone: feisigh do thoin fein. be handy in ny if anyone spoke gaeilge there.
ambria welds: How do you pronounce that? And what does it mean?
OMG notRoryStone: might help if i put the fada in there but i am of the lazy and can never remember where the accent letters are on this thing. loosely? 'go fuck yourself' literally? 'go fuck your own ass'. we're a charming people.
ambria welds: hah! I like it
ambria welds: I'm going to go say it to Quincy brb
OMG notRoryStone: have fun without me telling you how to pronounce it, not that it matters, you'll mangle it anyway. FESH-ee duh hohn hayn
OMG notRoryStone: just fyi
ambria welds: I was just kidding I really had to PEE but I was being a lady and not telling you that :-)
OMG notRoryStone: oh.
OMG notRoryStone: well. hope everything came out okay?
ambria welds: Fine and dandy.
OMG notRoryStone: good to know
ambria welds: Though now I am trying to pronounce that.
ambria welds: And he's looking at me like I'm on crack haha
OMG notRoryStone: :-(
ambria welds: I think I am not doing this right.
OMG notRoryStone: gaeilge is fun, you can tell where in ireland someone is from by how they pronounce a lot of words
ambria welds: You'll just have to tell me in person, or you'll have to make a recording for me.
OMG notRoryStone: i'm not murmuring that for you, i'll say sweeter things. promise. da'd smack me upside the head otherwise
ambria welds: Alright deal
ambria welds: And I'll make you something sweet in return- I make a mean fruit smoothie
OMG notRoryStone (10:01:18 PM): a ghrá mo chroí, be flattered i am mucking with proper gaeilge for you and ctrl alt characters
ambria welds: I am honored! What does that mean?
OMG notRoryStone: my darlin'
ambria welds: Awww <3
OMG notRoryStone: or the love of my heart...take your pick. very versatile.
ambria welds: Very poetic.
OMG notRoryStone: i guess. i mean, it's what i call my puppy half the time so there's that, right?
ambria welds: What kind of puppy do you have anyhow?
OMG notRoryStone: a fruitloop. she's a spaniel mix of who knows what sort. also, old.
ambria welds: Aww! Do you have pictures?
OMG notRoryStone: my loopy
ambria welds: That's the most adorable puppy ever!
OMG notRoryStone: she is basically the best thing in the world
ambria welds: Even better than you? :-)
OMG notRoryStone: definitely better than me
ambria welds: Maybe I can meet her someday then, because I have a hard time believing she's even better than you ;-)
OMG notRoryStone: i pretty much take her anywhere i can get away with it
ambria welds: I can see why. What a cutie.
OMG notRoryStone: i luff her
OMG notRoryStone: and miss her
ambria welds: She probably misses you too.
OMG notRoryStone: she's keeping da company for me
ambria welds: You're pretty close with your dad, huh? That's sweet. Our family's like that too.
OMG notRoryStone: yeah. he's my da, why wouldn't i be?
ambria welds: Because it seems like soooo many people I run across have dysfunctional families. I mean obviously we have our problems too, but we love each other. I mean, look at Val even - his family sitch was fucked up till recently.
OMG notRoryStone: yeah. i ah...yeah
OMG notRoryStone: sometimes i think the maceibhirs are dysfunction junction but they're my people, you know?
ambria welds: As long as you guys love each other , right? And no deaths happen at family reunions or anything ;-)
OMG notRoryStone: um
OMG notRoryStone: that would seriously depend on which family members showed up, not gonna lie
ambria welds: Wow - you have some family feuds?
OMG notRoryStone: liam's sister could drop dead and i'd be happy
OMG notRoryStone: now you know the worst thing about me.
ambria welds: I could tell you the worst thing about me, but it's kind of tmi.
OMG notRoryStone: i thrive on tmi but that's okay. there are lots of things i haven't told you, too.
ambria welds: It's something my family doesn't know about or anything. Big secret time.
OMG notRoryStone: Oh
ambria welds: yeah. :-(
ambria welds: You ever have one of those things you figure you'd like to tell someone someday if only because keeping it in drives you crazy sometimes?
OMG notRoryStone: several, actually.
ambria welds: maybe we can trade sometime
OMG notRoryStone: maybe.
ambria welds: I trust you, anyhow. It's just not the sort of thing to be talked about over the internet all those miles away from someone.
OMG notRoryStone: no, i get it, really. it's okay.
ambria welds: Do you want to know other random things about me though? I'd be happy to fill those in.
OMG notRoryStone: random's fun. go for it
ambria welds: Okay, I'll say one random thing about me then you tell me one about you. Deal?
OMG notRoryStone: i suspect trickery on your part, but okay
ambria welds: Me? Never!
ambria welds: Okay, when I was in kindergarten we had a play and I had to be a raincloud. I cried because I wanted to be one of the flowers.
OMG notRoryStone: but you were perfectly in character for the rain cloud! tears. awesome.
ambria welds: yes! I was a character actress
OMG notRoryStone: um...i bit one of my da's security guards at a concert because he wouldn't let me out of the dressing room back stage. i was ten.
ambria welds: Hahah! Biter. He deserved it though, I bet ;-)
OMG notRoryStone: he did but i got in trouble anyway
ambria welds: When I was fifteen, I went through this goth stage and wrote shitty poetry about the dark torment of my eternally black soul
OMG notRoryStone (11:01:12 PM): ouch
ambria welds: Yeah, it was awful.
ambria welds: Thank god I went through a pyro stage after and burned it all.
OMG notRoryStone: when i was four, i thought if i wished hard enough and blew out all the candles on my cake, mam would come back.
OMG notRoryStone: haha okay, scary girl
OMG notRoryStone: meanwhile, i like to fold laundry. especially towels. and really really when they are still all warm right out of the dryer. i used to help the maid staff at whatever hotel we were at when i was little. drove da nuts. i'd go missing and they could never find me
ambria welds: Wait hold up right there...
ambria welds: I am proposing marriage to you right now :-)
ambria welds: You need to fold my laundry forever and ever
ambria welds: I so hate doing that.
OMG notRoryStone: okay
ambria welds: I can't fold for crap
OMG notRoryStone: anything? it's easy
ambria welds: Well obviously paper and stuff
ambria welds: and towels aren't that hard but it's annoying to get them even
ambria welds: but shirts?
ambria welds: forget it
ambria welds: where the heck do the arms go
OMG notRoryStone: fold a towel in half, then again lengthwise and then fold that into three sections and you get a nice soft fluffy towel that actually fits on the shelf
OMG notRoryStone: shirts are easy
ambria welds: okay we're eloping
OMG notRoryStone: fold the arms in to make a square
OMG notRoryStone: then fold it in half and then give it the towel treatment unless you like to board fold like they do in the mall
OMG notRoryStone: i can do that too, no board needed
OMG notRoryStone: we have to have at least one date first
ambria welds: deal
OMG notRoryStone: no way am i having a wedding night without sex
ambria welds: then we have lots of sex and you fold my laundry forever and ever
OMG notRoryStone: sure. why not
ambria welds: We'll live a life of wedded bliss and perfectly folded towels
OMG notRoryStone: you're way too easy to make happy
ambria welds: my needs are few and simple! Oh, and it's my turn. Let's see... I like the way things smell after it rains.
OMG notRoryStone: doesn't everyone?
ambria welds: I don't know, do you like it too?
OMG notRoryStone: yeah
ambria welds: <3
OMG notRoryStone: ♥
ambria welds: that doesn't count as your random fact though!
OMG notRoryStone: i ride bareback
OMG notRoryStone: um, horses, i mean
ambria welds: Only horses?
ambria welds: haha.. sorry. Couldn't resist, that sounded dirty
OMG notRoryStone: they won't let me ride the zebra at the zoo, i asked
ambria welds: lol
ambria welds: I bet you would have asked
OMG notRoryStone: and no, safe sex. always
OMG notRoryStone: i have asked
OMG notRoryStone: serious
ambria welds: I've never ridden a horse. Is it fun?
OMG notRoryStone: i love it
OMG notRoryStone: i'll take you riding some time
ambria welds: That'd be great!
ambria welds: I hm, I could take you bowling :-)
OMG notRoryStone: will you let me slide down the alley in my socks?
ambria welds: Sure! I We know the manager so he's not going to bitch too much if we go on a weekend. If it was a weeknight, Ralphie'd kick my ass for it.
ambria welds: That's when the leagues come in
OMG notRoryStone: ooh fancy. ambria has her some connections.
ambria welds: Yeah - Ralphie's brother works with us and we're good customers besides
OMG notRoryStone: that's cool.
ambria welds: Yeah, we have fun! Used to do league play but no time lately with this overtime
OMG notRoryStone: you working a lot?
ambria welds: Still have time to join in a few softball games though
ambria welds: God yeah because they keep laying people off to save $$ then figuring the rest of us can work twice as hard which makes no sense because we're union so they got to pay us time and a half for overtime
OMG notRoryStone: i'm not really into sports unless it's football (real football) or involves a horse. i like skijoring. mmm i guess surfing counts, too
ambria welds: I'm not super into them or anything- just bowling and softball. And softball's mostly just us running around like goofs :-)
OMG notRoryStone: i'd watch
ambria welds: Would you be my cheerleader?
OMG notRoryStone: sure
ambria welds: awesome
ambria welds: Is it my random fact turn?
ambria welds: or yours?
OMG notRoryStone: i don't know
ambria welds: We rock at keeping track of things!
OMG notRoryStone: see? i told you there'd be trickery involved
ambria welds: hehe
ambria welds: I am getting tired anyhow
ambria welds: have to get up in like six hours
OMG notRoryStone: stupid time zones
OMG notRoryStone: though i have to get up early too. i hate five a.m.
ambria welds: Oh I forgot to ask you - why don't you have your computer?
OMG notRoryStone: i...broke it
ambria welds: How'd you do that?
OMG notRoryStone: threw it across the room yesterday
ambria welds: Let me guess - Vista?
OMG notRoryStone: if you want me to lie to you, sure.
ambria welds: No, I don't want you to lie.I'm a bad guesser. What happened?
OMG notRoryStone: i got pissed off at someone and was using my laptop at the time so i threw it and it's pretty much dead. and in a couple of pieces.
ambria welds: Oh I'm sorry hon. That must suck. What pissed you off so bad? :-(
OMG notRoryStone: Chuck
OMG notRoryStone: mostly chuck
OMG notRoryStone: i've been pretty upfront with you, right? i mean, i've mentioned my friend rina here and i know you've seen my lj conversations with maggie...
ambria welds: Yeah, I have
ambria welds: If you want to clarify though
ambria welds: I'm listening
OMG notRoryStone: i'm not trying to be an asshole or anything, really. not that most people believe me about that, i guess. i was dating laura and only laura and i'm not getting into details because that's no one's business but mine and hers but she broke up with me and that was that. i like to date and i'd like to have a serious relationship with someone but i'd rather just date people at this point because every relationship i've had has been a total disaster. maybe it's me, i don't know.
OMG notRoryStone: anyway, chuck decided to tell maggie that i have a girlfriend. i do not have a girlfriend.
OMG notRoryStone: and now maggie thinks i'm some sort of total dick or something
ambria welds: Ouch
ambria welds: Well, I understand where you're coming from on the relationship thing. We'll go out on our date and see what happens from there, right?
ambria welds: I mean, if you wind up going out with Maggie and you like her more, then I'd still be your friend.
OMG notRoryStone: maggie probably won't ever talk to me again so don't worry about it
ambria welds: Well if she doesn't it is her loss because you are worth talking to.
OMG notRoryStone: i guess
OMG notRoryStone: yeah, i do things with rina. she's my friend. i've known her for a long time. and yeah sometimes we hook up if i'm in montana and neither of us are in a relationship. i like her. i won't lie about that. she's someone special in my life but really, she's a good friend and i trust her. that's all. i date other people and so does she and we're both fine with that. maggie just--i don't know. am i a horrible dog or something for that? you tell me.
ambria welds: Not at all. You're honest about it, and you've got that kind of arrangement so you're not cheating on Rina or anything - what's wrong with it? As long as you're honest with the other people you date, then you're doing what you should be doing and it doesn't make you a bad person in the slighest. And if you situation changes - say you date me and I'm so SUPER AMAZING on our first date that you fall madly in love with me - then you work out the details then.
ambria welds: Or with anyone, not just me - you know what I'm saying. Seriously.
OMG notRoryStone: thanks. and for the record, i've mentioned rina to maggie before. she just flipped her shit when chuck told her that rina is my girlfriend and now thinks everything i ever say is a lie and i don't even know what to do about that. i'll shut up now.
ambria welds: Well if you want my advice about that
ambria welds: I can tell you what I think. Otherwise, I won't butt in
OMG notRoryStone: sure, why not. i've already gotten li's two and a half cents
ambria welds: From what I've seen she has a lot of issues that aren't about you, Unless she's willing to try and work on those, I don't think anything you say is going to make much of a difference because she'll keep twisting it to be what she expects you to be, instaed of really seeing you. That's kind of sad, really. But all you can do is explain the truth of the matter, tell her that chuck din't have all the right information - and then just step back and leave the ball in her court. The more you push with someone like that, the more they dig their feet in
OMG notRoryStone: i hate being judged like that. i didn't do anything wrong but somehow i'm the horrible one. it's a total peeve of mine when people do that to me. see: everything ever that's come out of my da's celebrity and people assuming all sorts of shit about my life. i laugh it off when the media does it but it's harder when it's someone i thought was a friend
ambria welds: It's crap when people do that, but she's the one missing out. You have other friends who love you and who think you're a great guy. From what it looks like she doesn't really have that because she won't let anyone close. Some people go their whole lives that way. Maybe she'll learn better and eventually let someone in. Maybit will be you, maybe it won't. But you got good people who do see you for you and who aren't go8ing to do that
OMG notRoryStone: can we have chocolate cake at our wedding?
ambria welds: We can indeed.
ambria welds: With those fancy little frosting flowers on top? Or completely inapprporiate sprinkles?
OMG notRoryStone: táim i ngrá leat...and why not both?
ambria welds: We should start writing all this down before we forget the details ;-) We could get a little wedding planner haha. What do you think - bridesmaids dresses in pink?
OMG notRoryStone: fuck the bridesmaids, a stór, i'm wearing pink.
ambria welds: Maybe we can wear complimentary shades of pink
ambria welds: have a whole big pink shindig
OMG notRoryStone: that could work
OMG notRoryStone:
pinktux.jpg i could so make this work
ambria welds: Rarrr!
OMG notRoryStone:
monacopetalpink(large).jpg but no bowtie
ambria welds: Might not make it to our wedding night in that ;-) There is that limo ride they do between the church and the reception, right..?
ambria welds: You'd arrive seriously rumpled.
OMG notRoryStone: ask me if i care?
ambria welds: Alright. Do you care?
OMG notRoryStone: UNF UNF
ambria welds: haha! Okay then we are in agreement. Limo shenanigans go in the planner.
OMG notRoryStone: amazing
ambria welds: Right now though I got to get some sleep because tired + welding = burns! and burns are not sexy
OMG notRoryStone: don't get hurt.
OMG notRoryStone: and have a good sleep.
ambria welds: okay you too - and remember someone out there thinks you're amazing so there <3
ambria welds: out here. you know... oh I am too tired to be cute
ambria welds: but i mean it
OMG notRoryStone: ♥ i'll keep you
ambria welds: yay! ttyl