Pinged by Crazyface [AIM Log]

Jun 14, 2009 09:41

ambria welds: Hey guess who? Hint: it is entirely obvious.

OMG notRoryStone: a/s/l?

ambria welds: older than your ass / not lately / sitting in front of this laptop and trying not to die of boredom

OMG notRoryStone: Oh, Ambria. Why didn't you say so ;-)

OMG notRoryStone: UNF UNF btw. If I wasn't in Montana, I'd help you out with that second problem. Nothing I can do about you being old.

ambria welds: zomg Rory Stone knows my name! Oh wait no, you're NOT Rory Stone. I am crushed.

OMG notRoryStone: He doesn't use AIM, sorry.

ambria welds: Oh well, I guess I will have to settle for that Marcus guy ;-)

OMG notRoryStone: Pfft.

OMG notRoryStone: I'm hotter than him anyway

ambria welds: True that.

OMG notRoryStone: That confession meme told me so.

ambria welds: Red hair - yum.

OMG notRoryStone: Most amazing eyes ever or something to that effect, actually. Weirdos.

ambria welds: I like your eyes too. But that wasn't me. I'm not into anon commenting, or being a weird creepy stalker.

OMG notRoryStone: Li got all the weird creepy. It's his fault for putting my name in his user name. Google me and you get him now. It's greatness.

ambria welds: haha! Poor Liam. But I bet it's a relief for you, getting rid of some of that unwanted creepiness.

OMG notRoryStone: I don't theeeeeeeeeeeeenk he knew just how weird people could be. Now he does. :-D

OMG notRoryStone: BTW, I am going to have to murder the Chuck now for giving out my AIM name. She's not supposed to do that.

ambria welds: Oh sorry - did you want me not to message you? I just asked Val to ask Chuck so I could randomly bother you because I am bored to death today. Quincy went to the shore without me, the bum.

OMG notRoryStone: It's not you. I have to change my AIM name all the time because SOMEHOW people I don't want IMing me keep getting my sn. See; random crazy people who think I am trufax buttfucking my cousin.

ambria welds: Oh ew. Well, I promise I won't give it out to anyone and I'll tell Val to make sure he knows not to either.

OMG notRoryStone: Thank you. Chuck's still getting killed though.

OMG notRoryStone: Lots of places to hide a body out here

OMG notRoryStone: And she's small. A shallow, unmarked grave somewhere in the wilderness...

ambria welds: Please don't - she hates me enough already :-(

OMG notRoryStone: Fine, I'm just going to steal her milk and cookies and maybe tell her that Bagel was eaten by a horse.

ambria welds: Okay that's better :-)

ambria welds: Did you get my postcard yet? Well, more like post board.

OMG notRoryStone: Yeah, it was cool. Aunt Laine didn't know WHAT the hell that was in the mailbox

ambria welds: The mailman probably thought the same thing! Confusing the hell out of mailmen is fun. I considered writing you a postcard on the back of my flip flop or somethign and slapping a mailing label on that but a) that might be a little too weird and b) I like these flip flops.

OMG notRoryStone: Shoe Mail...

OMG notRoryStone: I've gotten weirder in the mail. Well, my da has

ambria welds: I used to play the weird mail game with a friend when we were in high school. Strangest item you can slap a label on and mail it, etc. They don't let you mail live animals - but you can mail dead ones. Taxidermy. She mailed me a stuffed squirrel. My mom called her mom when she found it in the mailbox - and that was the end of THAT game.

OMG notRoryStone: Sadness. Nothing is ever going to top a tin filled with cookies that had some creepy wacko's snatch thatch baked into them though.

ambria welds: Oh GROSS. Serious?

OMG notRoryStone: Swear to God.

ambria welds: wtf is wrong with people

OMG notRoryStone: I gave up trying to figure that out years ago.

OMG notRoryStone: People mail the band their underwear and crap. I don't have any idea what motivates them. It's not going to endear anyone.

OMG notRoryStone: Sometimes I go into the office at the record company and ask what weirdness the fanmail's brought in.

ambria welds: Yeah, I mean... it's one thing to like someone's music, but geeze be cool about it. That must have been annoying growing up with all that crap going on around you.

OMG notRoryStone: It was great with the scary women wanting to be my new mommy. Someone actually SAID that to me when I was like six and chillin' with da while he was signing autographs.

ambria welds: christ - that's sick

OMG notRoryStone: Fastest way to end a signing session, I promise. I started screaming at that was that.

ambria welds: Did it get any better as you got older at least?

OMG notRoryStone: OH YEAH

OMG notRoryStone: They started hitting on ME.

OMG notRoryStone: ugh

ambria welds: oh ew

ambria welds: Well, if it's any consolation - I didn't even make the connection between you and your famous father when I first met you. I like you because you are Marcus. I've heard some of your father's music and it's good, but I'm not into the band if that makes sense.

OMG notRoryStone: That's okay, now they think Liam's my lover. Next time he goes to a show, I'm going to give him a big, wet, sloppy kiss just to watch them all freak out.

OMG notRoryStone: Yeah, no. I pretty much stay away from people that are OMGFANS!

ambria welds: Don't blame you

ambria welds: And now I feel like in the sake of full disclosure I have to tell you something about the bracelet I made you, in case it weirds you out in which case I will make you an entirely other bracelet, promise.

ambria welds: You know when you posted your mom's scuplture and all that? I was inspired by that when I designed the bracelet. I don't even know if it was intentional at first, but I was thinking about it and what it meant when I was working on it.

ambria welds: I hope that's not really creepy or anything. It wasn't meant to be.

OMG notRoryStone: ...

OMG notRoryStone: ...

OMG notRoryStone: Please don't tell me it's three blobby people with tiny heads.

ambria welds: no

ambria welds: it's not

ambria welds: want me to upload a picture?

OMG notRoryStone: if you want to

ambria welds: bracelet.JPG

OMG notRoryStone: Hey, that's pretty cool.

ambria welds: You like it? I'm glad

ambria welds: I'm still working on getting the final little details in and polishing it and such, but yeah there you have it. And now I feel kind of of awkward.

OMG notRoryStone: Why? Sorry, Liam's screaming at me.

ambria welds: Just mentioning that I was thinking about your mom's art while making it. You probably wouldn't have even been able to tell. What's he screaming about?

OMG notRoryStone: ...I told Chuck a horse ate 'her' kitten and she freaked out and ran down to the barn.

ambria welds: Ouch. Val said she's really scared of horses :-(

OMG notRoryStone: She is.

OMG notRoryStone: BUT now she's in the barn so I win. Liam couldn't get her in there.

ambria welds: Well, I guess that part's good at least!

ambria welds: Were you serious about going out when you come home, btw?

OMG notRoryStone: Why wouldn't I be?

ambria welds: No reason. Because my past track record with guys warns me to check on these things more than anything.

OMG notRoryStone: FFFFFFFFFFFF. What IS it with you people? And by people I mean women. Just because you choose to date douchebags, now I get to be one by default?

ambria welds: Take it easy, hon. I'm not saying you're a douchebag. I am saying that sometimes I misinterpret things, and it is better to check and make sure you were serious.

OMG notRoryStone: I. Would. Like. To. Go. Out. With. You. Okay?

ambria welds: Okay. I would like to go out with you too.

OMG notRoryStone: :-D

ambria welds: ;-) that was easy.

OMG notRoryStone: I -am- easy.

ambria welds: Good to know! Rarr.

OMG notRoryStone: Are you planning to take advantage of me?

ambria welds: Not in bad ways.

ambria welds: I do have questions though!

OMG notRoryStone: I probably have answers, some might even be honest.

ambria welds: Honesty is refreshing. Okay here go... 1) Do you mean going out as in date singular, or as a serial occurrence?

ambria welds: 2) Do you date monogamously, or are a casual dater? and 3) When do you return, anyhow?

OMG notRoryStone: 1) I guess that depends on how the first date goes?

OMG notRoryStone: 2) I do both.

OMG notRoryStone: 3) August sometime, still fuzzy on that. Am guessing around my birthday though but that's probably more up to what Aunt Cait wants to do about that.

ambria welds: Fair enough. When's your birthday?

OMG notRoryStone: August 5

ambria welds: That makes you- what, a Leo?

OMG notRoryStone: AND HOW

OMG notRoryStone: Natural born attention whore

ambria welds: Thought so. Guess what my sign is? :-)

OMG notRoryStone: mmm Pisces? I don't know.

ambria welds: Also a Leo. Ten days after your birthday, sunshine.

OMG notRoryStone: Oooh

OMG notRoryStone: well

OMG notRoryStone: Here, kitty, kitty...

ambria welds: ahaa! Roar.

OMG notRoryStone: Will you purr if I take you somewhere nice and fill you full of good food?

ambria welds: Mm-hm. I just might. Or maybe from the pleasure of good company.

OMG notRoryStone: What do you consider good food anyway? Thai? Indian? Ethiopian? Burgers? Italian?

ambria welds: Burgers and fries, steak... I'm a kind of meat and potatoes girl most of the time. But I also like Chinese, Italian, Thai... I haven't had Ethiopian. That might be fun. Is it good?

OMG notRoryStone: It's fun. I like it. Depends on if you like eating with your hands and having someone else feed you though...

ambria welds: That sounds fun! I like hand food, yep.

OMG notRoryStone: There's a really good place in Park Slope.

ambria welds: Sounds like a plan, then. Is it dress up, or casual dress/

OMG notRoryStone: I wear jeans. You sit on the floor so...

ambria welds: Sweet! Sounds like my kind of place.

OMG notRoryStone: I guess that's where we'll go :-D

ambria welds: It's a date! :-) And then we can see what we feel like doing after dinner, maybe go for a walk or whathaveya

ambria welds: brb Quincy is home and making me come look at what he bought

OMG notRoryStone: No problem, I need to go hide before Liam comes back up here and kicks my ass.

ambria welds: Good luck :-) Catch you later, dear

OMG notRoryStone: Talk at you soon.

log, ambria, montana, shenanigans, chuck is afraid of horses

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