Feb 28, 2005 01:23
I have a fauxhawk and I am so fuckin' happy about my whole hair situation.
I am compiling an epic 4-CD Mix Set for all things breakup. They each have 20 songs and follow the general progression of the end of a love, the end of a relationship. It begins with Loss- the shock, the hurt, the anger, the isolation, the denial, the numbness, the searing pain. Following Loss is Missing- the sentimentality, the unabashed fond retrospection, the longing, the remaining love, the conflicting feeling of want, the little things that are missed most. After Missing comes Release- the relief, the bittersweetness of moving on, the pain and freedom of letting go, looking forward, moving on up, the beauty of finding life and happiness beyond. With Relief comes Triumph! Sweet, lively triumph over loss. There's anger, a sadistic fuck you, some wonderful revenge. This one you're allowed to dance to, because goddammit, WHO'S ON TOP AND WHO'S ON BOTTOM NOW, BILLY? I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL. BUT AT LEAST I'LL HAVE SOME FUN BEFORE I GET THERE.
I am going to Manhattan on friday.
I am going home next wednesday.
Last night I got drunk and cried until my throat went sore. It felt terrible, in the best way. Every now and then you gotta let it out Paula Langton style.
I am an up and down roller-coaster, but through it all I am damn proud of myself.
Things I have right now:
a little narcissism
flirty eyes
a new love for grande coffee frapucchinos plus a flavor syrup. Heavenly.
a mix for every mood
three one-way tickets
maybe a job this summer I hope
a new desk
many dry-erase markers in various bold colors
the "shuffle songs" option on the main menu of my ipod finally