May 30, 2005 19:49
Things I recently really like
Olive buffet bars at supermarkets
Bjork (with an umlaut if I spelled that right)
Warren Towers
Nud Pob Pad Thai
COM kids
Boston University
30-day Best Buy gift return policies
Vodka Sours
That Xbox game where the point is to crash as many cars as you can
DJing with my iPod
Staying up all night because I can
The Summer Staff
Sharing music on iTunes
Things I haven't done
Utilized my meal plan
Written to people I need to write
Called Rachel V
Turned in Rent (thank god for 31)
Journaled (the paper kind)
Read for pleasure
Even remotely LOOKED for a job
Learned my lines for the Orientation Skit
Gotten Rufus/Ben tickets
Life is damn lazy right now.
It's somewhat clear after weeks of rain.
An abundance of people to crush on is often preferable to a dearth.
Twenty is pretty awesome.
My superpower is deciphering BU acronyms.
It turns out I make the first move.
I already have my own PR. [public relations]
My bias against the Spanish language and people who like speaking it has dissipated.
Puerto Rico in August?
I am not ready to orient. (orientate?)
My new thing is successfully permeating cliques.
Ok bye.