Jun 01, 2012 15:45
I can do logical reasoning. I can do reading comprehension. These test my attention span, but as long as I get over being really fucking bored (and not skim the question--the number of questions I've gotten wrong because I failed at reading instructions is kinda embarrassing), I can handle them. No big deal.
I cannot with analytical reasoning.
I do not like logic puzzles.
I do not care who sits next to who. Or whether the station wagon is parked at the end of the lot or next to the sports car. Or how many marbles Abe when he has half as many as Becky and two more than Carter. Or whether lavender flowers can be grown if yellow flowers are not. Or whether experienced Director Beale voted in favor of a motion when new Director Johnson did not. Or whether the carpenter can fix my damn house on Tuesday afternoon when the electrician is only available all Friday.
I should make myself a cup of tea.