Apr 10, 2008 09:35
Posting from University. I have got class at 10, and have written a 3 page essay plan, that I found out only had to be 1 page. Woe is me.
My tutor will probably not be amused by the extra reading I am giving him. Also he won't be amused that it is utter shite. My organization skills when it comes to writing leave alot to be desired.
I am still not finished Blood, Glass and Sugar. I wrote the grand total of a sentence on it yesterday :( And that single sentence sucked. I ish sad, and even though I know what I want to write about, I just can't make the words come out. Dammit.
I couldn't sleep last night. I was regularly on the verge of screaming, because it kept feeling like a couldn't take a breath. Like there was something sitting on my chest. Then I freaked myself out by imagining that something actually was.
I have two 2hour classes at Uni today- Yeats 10-12 and then Milton 2-4. Finally we start on Paradise Lost! *excitement*. I will be unable to contain my secret lust for Satan. I'm not too happ about the two hour break between, as before I was in hospital it was never good for me. I'd find my mood incredibly bad, and play stupid games with myself to ascertain whether or not I was Good enough to go to my favourite class at 2, or if I didn't deserve it. :s
So yeh, that wasn't at all strange!
But it should be ok, I've only an hour to burn til 1 when I'm meeting some friends for lunch at Clements.
Hope everyone is keeping good today.
Liadan xxx