Sep 19, 2005 22:53
We have dumb squirrels in my neighborhood. Really.
Last week, we had the squirrels who got into the hallway of the apartment building and couldn't find their way out, just kept jumping into the glass of the front door and thumping their little heads.
This morning, I open the front door, and I hear a thunk. A squirrel had run into the path of the opening door and gotten smacked for his lack of even squirrel-sized brains. I wasn't even opening it that fast! He looks stunned, I start walking to my car, bemused by the continual display of our neighboorhood rodentia's native survival skills. So I'm not entirely watching where I'm walking, more looking at the sky because I *know* God gave most squirrels enough brains to avoid doors. And then I feel something come into contact with my foot. I look down with a sinking feeling. Yes, it was another squirrel. The first one was still by the door, grooming and still reeling. So, two squirrels in the area evidentally have a death wish, or at least a penchant for pain. Or...they literally don't use the brains God gave them.