Feb 15, 2009 23:41

I had a good week. Went to an art gallery reception Friday and went to a movie tonight. Finally saw Marley and Me. I loved the movie, but also found it annoying. TRAIN THAT DOG!.

Anyway, I can't cross anything off yet, but have made lots of progress.:

18. Get landscaping done
a. call landscaper and get bids
A pergola and picket fence are being made right now.
The pergola and fence are done and a landscaper is hired and making plans. It looks so beautiful. I’ll take pictures after the planting and post.

23. Keep with the laundry and ironing
I’ve caught up with laundry
I’ve kept up with the laundry. Lots of ironing tomorrow.

34. Have friends over once a mth (need to get space to do that first)
a Finish Carriage House and patio first
b. Have smaller gatherings till then
Had one dinner party and am making plans for another…Mexican Fiesta Night!
The Fiesta Night is scheduled for the end of this week. Lots of people want to come to this one as there are no good restaurants here.

35. Make a larger circle of friends
I’ve had one dinner party and included a new person
I have two new couples coming for this party.

39. Read one fun book a week
A little behind here, as I’ve chosen James Mitchner’s “The Chesapeke” for my first book. But I’ve finished it and enjoyed it very much. (1/52)
I’ve chosen very long books, so I may not get 52 read this year, but I am reading every night. I’m reading the John Adams bio and 10001 and nights.

49. Read a 1001 Nights (hey, why not?)
a. Get the book!
I got three books. One the original Richard Burton translation, a new translation, and a history book on story. I also got a super deluxe beautifully illustrated book, and I’ll read that one because it makes me happy to look at the pictures.

I’m really enjoying this book, but I think a lot of naughty bits have been removed I’m on the 39th night. Not one story has been finished yet. I want to smack Shaherezade.

83. Get MRI and knee surgery
I got my MRI. Just need to schedule surgery.
The Dr, wants to try injections first. I’m having a spinal nerve block at end of the week, and several knee injections a week apart (ouch)

94. Stop letting things go…If I’m cheated, abused, insulted, taken advantage of-SPEAK
I’m going to small claims court this Thursday on a case of my lawn care guy breaking a water pipe and cutting my electrical wires. He refused to pay for them.
I had to get an extension. The back issue prevented me from going to court.

101. Finish library
I have an electrician coming to finish the electrical work. Will post pictures when done.

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