(no subject)

May 08, 2006 21:59

I had so much fun Sunday when our shop went to the Renaissance Faire. I planned my outfit for weeks, then chucked it all when I got there and bought a beautiful tribal dance outfit and adopted a Middle Eastern persona. My friends had left me at the shop and when they came back, I was wearing the new outfit and looked completely different.

I do wish I had gone with more experienced 'Rennies.' First they only got there at noon instead of an hour before opening. Part of the fun is the interactive with the actors. Next, food was a big part of the day and wasted a lot of time. I brought my food and avoided long lines and high costs. 'Course, even I a vegetarian, can understand the turkey legs.

Several highlights: Our new hire is a demon with the cross-bow. She hit a bulls-eye with her first set of arrows. I had a defective bow and coundn't even hit the backboard. (Hey, its my story and I'm sticking to it!) I was very proud of her.

Sandy was enchanted by a polite goose who patiently waited for a bread treat and delicately ate from her fingers.

Arantxa was hooked on the shopping and bought fairy wings for her niece, and is going back again next week with her family!

I got to see the Poxy Boggards in person. http://www.poxyboggards.com/ It was their last show of the day and most of the audience was Faire folk themselves, no tourists. The Boggards bantered with the group, took requests, and took time out to talk to my daughter in Chicago via my cell phone. They mocked her and rubbed it in that I was there and she was not. (She's a bigger fan than I am.) I heartily recommend their CD "Lagar Than Life" and "Barley Legal."

It was a great day. Next up is my niece's college graduation and my daughter is flying in for it. Huzzah for the daughter.
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