ok, not many of you will get this, but ti's mainly for Han cos she's picked up on me being all these things before...!!
You Know You're From Dublin When...
You say "I'm Grand" all the time.
You drink Guinness as if it is a sixth food group.
You disagree with above - Guinness is the FIRST food group.
You're pale and white... yet compared to others your suntan looks good.
You say "Are you grand?" all the time.
You say "Isn't it grand?" all the time.
You say "That'd be grand?" all the time.
You can pronounce names like Eoghan, Niamh and Siobhan
You take 4 hours to get home on a Saturday night and think nothing of it.
You don't eat anything cold, uncooked or not resembling meat, bread or potatoes
You say "Your man" all the time.
You say "Your woman" all the time.
You say "It's grand that your man asked if I'm grand" all the time.
You find yourself still living with family and having dinners cooked for you by someone's mammy - at thirty.
You talk about 'dinners' and 'mammys'.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Dublin.
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