ok, so today I ran home in the rain in my school uni and my flat school shoes and a big heavy bag on my back, and my leather jacket, and I ran out into the middle of the road in front of cars to avoid the BIG FUCK ARSE! puddles, and then I outran a mobike for a bit cos I couldn't get back in, and it was really funny, cos I didn't stop to wait for a car to go by if it got too close, I just ran beside it at the edge of the puddle...! lol and then I got home, and I talked to Han, and then I took this anime test thing so here...dunno if it's true, but she, why the hell not...
You are the depressed/dreamer anime girl.You either
lost somebody you love or somebody broke you
heart so bad that you can't pick up the
shattered pieces without hurting yourself.You
think nobody can heal your wounds but don't
stop looking because you never know who loves
you enough to try hell the one special guy
could be right infront of your eyes and you
don't even know it.You also love to day dream
because it seems like the only place that makes
you happy.But little do you know that people
all around you are trying to make you happy and
you won't let them in fearing you'll get
another heartbreak or get hurt worse.But just
try and if things go wrong just brush it off
and try again.It never hurts to try.One more
thing never let that lost love one leave you
heart keep them in forever and keep their
memory alive.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by
Quizilla YAY! funness. ok, bye...