I'm mostly nocturnal, and on Thursday was rudely awakened in the early afternoon by all the UPSs and the carbon monoxide detector going nuts. An hour-long power outage. I guess it was due to the snowstorm going on at the time...but it really wasn't much of a storm. My dad once claimed that in Toronto they have maybe one power outage a year, but we have them pretty regularly (many are momentary). Perhaps Waterloo North Hydro is much more incompetent than Toronto Hydro, or we lack their backups and redundancies.
Didn't get back to sleep, thanks to dealing with the screaming electrical equipment and painful intestinal gas which lasted all day. Those alarms are way too loud.
Minor snowstorm
Taken during the power outage.
Food dish and feral prints in the backyard.
Three Rogues
Top to bottom: Lenny, James, and Lisa.
Cuddle buddies
Smokey and Lenny snuggle on the disaster that is my desk. The torn wallpaper is the work of destructive cats.
There's a troll going around at fanfiction.net, telling people that their fanfic sucks and they should stop writing, and when people yell at him or reply with insults (a tactical mistake -- never feed trolls this way), he tells them to kill themselves. I despise this type of shithead, and two days ago sent him a calm message explaining that his cruel behaviour can have a real impact on people. Unsurprisingly, he's too cowardly to reply...or the message just wasn't entertaining enough for a troll to respond to.
Anyway, off to Toronto tomorrow.