The kittens are still here, and I'm still working on them. Lisa is sweet and friendly and can go to a new home whenever (although he should probably get his final de-worming pill first. That's due next week), but Lenny and Digger are not very tame. I'm afraid Digger will never be friendly to people, and Lenny may always be shy. The two of them regressed after the scary vet visit last week, and I'm trying to win their trust again. They've recently started to play with me a bit, which is a big step, but overall I'm rather disappointed in how things have gone with them.
Lisa and Digger gobble while Lenny looks on.
Lenny on her perch
She's still a bit nervous around me.
I found some kid's bus pass on the sidewalk today and mailed it to Kitchener as per the instructions on it; the stamp cost 67 cents. Sixty-seven cents to send a regular letter to Kitchener (ie, across town) is why nobody uses Canada Post much anymore.
On Wednesday I got dragged to a retirement party for someone I'd never heard of, and had met exactly two of the guests exactly once nearly a year ago. The snacks were almost entirely meat. I had as much fun as one might have guessed.
On Sunday we're planning to go on a day-long fieldtrip to hunt fossils. I hope it'll be fun and that I'll have the energy for energy levels are down again and mild depression has returned. It could be worse I guess, although just about everything is making me angry.