Been reading old entries in this journal and stumbled upon a Meme a filled out in 2006. Also learned that I've grown a bit since I started this journal. I could barely read some of the entries, they were so embarassing/made me regret decisions I made.
1* First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Calhoun (Spelled something like that.) She was terrible and killed school for me.
2* Last person you said I love you to: Mom
3* Last song you sang: Let Me Go by Christian Kane. Listening to his new EP alot lately.
4* Last person you hugged: Hugged hugged would be my Mom. I roleplay hugged a couple people during a LARP on Saturday cuz we were "family".
5* Last thing you laughed at: My idiocy at being 18 years old.
6* Last time you said I dont remember: I don't remember. There!
7* Last time you cried: Reading
The Futility of Wishing by Alairas on
9* What color socks are you wearing: None
10* What's under your bed: Cat hair and probably a cat.
11* What time did you wake up today: 3:30am
12* Current taste: Mouth? Nothing really.
13* Current hair: Long and annoying.
14* Current annoyance: Being woken up at 3:30am, not being able to get back to sleep and having to go to work in less than an hour.
15* Current longing: Having good friends that care about me as much as I care about them. Or a significant other.
16* Current desktop: Random pretty picture I found after googling "Cool Desktops"
17* Current worry: Hurting myself at work because of lack of sleep.
18* Current hate: Working so much with nothing to show for it.
19* Current clothing: Smilie face PJ pants, black Serenity T-shirt.
20* Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: I still like people's faces/hair.
21* Last CD that you listened to: Kane's new EP
22* Favorite place to be: San Luis Obispo. It's so green and pretty.
23* Least favorite place: Hmm... can't really think of one right now. Work I suppose, but only because I'd rather be sleeping right now.
24* Favorite sex position: Haven't really found one yet. I like a couple more than others but there's still some I want to try. I think leaning over something and from behind are high up there.
25* If you could play an(other) instrument: Probably still French Horn. Love how it sounds. Or Piano.
26* Favorite color: Green
27* Do you believe in an afterlife: Don't think so.... not really sure tho.
28* How tall are you: 5'5"
29* Current favorite word/saying: "That's exciting"
31* Favorite book: Too many to name. Off the top of my head right now, I'd say Harry Potter, Elske, The Darth Bane Series, The Dragon Age books. IDK.
32* Favorite season: Fall in Ohio... I love when the temperature is not hot and humid, but not fucking freezing either. I haven't really experienced anything other than Summer here in CA, but the weather's so great that I'm tempted to say that too.
33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: My Dad cuz he died before I really understood anything about anything and all we did was argue. Still true.
35* Where do you want to go for college? Been there, done that. I wanted to go to the Royal Scottish Academy for Music and Drama but that didn't happen. LOL
36* What is your career going to be like: Strange. Lots of moving and looking for work.
37* How many kids do you want? Definitely 2, maybe more.
39* Said "I love you" and meant it: I always think I mean it when I say it but then don't know if I do or not.
40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: My cats have claws so I try to avoid confrontations when possible.
42* Been to Florida: Yep in 2007 I went to Orlando for KKPsi.
43* Been to California: Living here now.
44* Been to Hawaii: Someday.
45* Been to Mexico: Been to AZ which is close...
46* Been to China: No, but I know people who have.
48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: No, my dreams are (still) FUCKED up.
52* Do you have a crush on someone: Not really.
53* What book are you reading now: The Art of Intrusion by Kevin D. Mitnick.
54* Worst feeling in the world: Fear.
55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: "OMG CAT I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU."
56* How many rings before you answer: Depends on if I can find my phone or not. If I can, 1. If I can't, there's no hope. Still true.
57* Future daughter's name: I don't know... I like odd names.
58* Future son's name: I love weird names so I make no promises.
59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Yes, I have my Puppy that I go no where without.
60* If you could have any job you wanted what would it be? I actually really like my job most of the time. I wish I could set my own hours, but meh.
61* Someone you wish were here: Well I wish I was in Ohio with my friends.
62* College plans: Done and never again. Maybe.
63* Piercings: Used to have my ears pierced but havn't worn anything in them for years.
64* Do you do drugs: No.
65* Do you drink: Sometimes.
67* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Suave right now. No idea in the future. I don't have brand loyalty for Shampoo.
68* What are you most scared of: Death
69* What clothes do you sleep in: Usually a bra. Nowadays PJ pants and a T-shirt cuz I have roommates and sleep with my door open.
70* Who is the last person that called you: Uhhh IDK.
71* Who is the last person that you called: Mom.
72* Where do you want to get married: Someplace that wouldn't care who or what sex they are.
74* Who do you really hate: People who drive like morons, People who text while at work, People who fuck off at work.
76* Are you timely or always late: Timely now. Can't afford to be late.
77* Do you have a job: Yes.
78* Do you like being around people: Depends on the people.
79* Are you for world peace: Uhm. Yes. Like... hardcore yes.
80* Are you a health freak: I try to be, but then I get cravings and fuck it up.
81* Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: Yes but it's hard to describe.
82* Do you want someone you don't have? Yes.
83* Are you lonely right now: Yes.
84* Ever afraid you'll never get married: Yeah sometimes, tho if I'm with someone, I don't need the bit of paper saying I'm married to be happy, either.
85* Do you want to get married: Maybe yes, maybe no
86* Do you want kids? Yes, eventually.
87* Cried: Reading
The Futility of Wishing by Alairas on
88* Bought Something: Man I can't go more than 24 hours without buying something.
89* Gotten Sick: No that was 2 weeks ago.
90* Sang: Yes.
91* Said I Love You: Yes
92* Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: Hmmm not really.
93* Met someone: Yep, at Polycon I met a bunch of people.
94* Moved on: Not yet. It's going to be a process longer than 48 hours.
95* Talked To Someone: Yes... I'm not that bad that I don't talk to people at 48 hr. gaps.
96* Had A Serious Talk: Not really.
97* Missed Someone: Everyday.
98* Hugged Someone: No.
99* Yelled at someone: I did last Friday, but not since then. See "Who do you really hate"
100* Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: I keep dreaming about Christian Kane recently, so yes.