
Jan 13, 2010 08:11

Stolen from brilligspoons

1. What time did you get up this morning? Uhh I've been up since 11:15pm last night. My schedule is all messed up right now.

2. How do you like your steak? Medium Rare

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Sherlock Holmes (the second time) though my best friend keeps telling me he's willing to pay for my ticket for Avatar but I'm really kinda 'meh' about it.

4. What is your favorite TV show? On air: Castle or Ace of Cakes. Off air: Firefly or The West Wing

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Los Angeles/Southern California

6. What did you have for breakfast? Nothing yet... though I had granola with milk last night.

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Hmm... I'd have to say sushi.

8. What foods do you dislike? I recently decided that I like most of the foods I used to hate, so I'm not entirely certain anymore. I'd say I still dislike asparagus a lot, then there's wine and stout beers. Yuck.

9. Favorite Place to Eat? Klondike Pizza in Santa Maria, California. I swear I'll make it back there one day.

10. Favorite dressing? RANCH. I could not live without Ranch Dressing. I eat it with EVERYTHING.

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive? 1999 Toyota Rav-4. It's my baby!

12. What are your favorite clothes? I'm digging on my steel-toed Doc Marten's with jeans, a fandom T-Shirt (usually my Serenity one), my WoW hoodie, and my black pea-coat. Plus cheap-o fuzzy knit gloves cuz it's winter and my hands are forever cold.

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? The British Isles, New Zealand, most of Europe... pretty much everywhere. I would love to pull a Ewan McGregor and travel the world on motorcycle.

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? I try to always keep it half-full. If I'm thinking in a half-empty way, I'll try to find something to make it full again.

15. Where would you want to retire? Central/Southern California wouldn't be too bad. Perpetually 72 degrees, beaches, sunshine. Earthquakes, but w/e...

16. Favorite time of day? Dawn-Noon. I love how bright everything looks and the idea that I have the entire day ahead of me, so I don't need to rush to complete things (while working) or push myself to get motivated yet. (when not working)

17. Where were you born? Akron, OH

18. What is your favorite sport to watch? On TV: Baseball. In person: Football.

19. Bird watcher? What an odd question. No, not so much. My cats are though... they like to chatter at them, which I find entertaining... so I guess that would make me a bird-watcher-by-proxy.

20. Are you a morning person or a night person? I tend to stay up at night or all night, but honestly I feel better about myself and life in general in the mornings, so I would say morning.

21. Pets? 2 cats, Drake and Bailey.

22. Any new and exciting news that you'd like to share? Not yet... hopefully I should get a job soon though. *fingers crossed*

23. What did you want to be when you were little? Everything under the sun. It would literally change multiple times in a day, which contributed to my extra-long college career, because I still couldn't settle on anything.

24. What is your best childhood memory? Wow... I just got a flash of a bunch of really bad ones. *rolls eyes* I think I'd have to go with either Christmas shopping with my dad a month before his stroke leading to his death, or uhhh... maybe playing GIJoes with my brother while watching Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back and pretending our German Shepherd was an AT-AT during the Hoth scene.

25. Are you a cat person or a dog person? Both. I grew up with dogs and I will have one when I'm more settled, but I own two cats right now.

26. Are you married? No

27. Always wear your seat belt? After getting a $90 ticket for not wearing my seat-belt, I always wear one now. Funny how that works...

28. Been in a car accident? Twice but they were minor without injury. Once I rear-ended a woman in front of me and once I was rear-ended by a bitch behind me. I say it like that because she didn't even get out of her car- just pretended it didn't happen while my bumper was dented. I let her drive away though because I didn't know what else to do. I was too young and forgiving then.

29. Any pet peeves? I absolutely cannot stand the sound of cardboard shredding or being shredded or being rubbed... anything like that. My cats have woken me up too many times by shredding cardboard and I flip out if I hear it. Also I hate seeing easily correctable bad-grammar in public places. I have been known to pull out a pen and correct it on menus, signs, and the like.

30. Favorite pizza topping? Green Peppers and Onions combined.

31. Favorite Flower? Orchids. There are so many varieties and they're all so pretty.

32. Favorite ice cream? Cookies and Cream or Mint Chocolate Chip. Mint Cookies and Cream preferably. (Ben and Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie FTW)

33. Favorite fast food restaurant? Chipotle, Subway, Panera are all good. Though I really liked Carl's Jr. out west.

34. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None, passed on first try, though I did apparently get points taken off for "Signalling Too Early". Cuz being preemptive is bad. *rolls eyes*

35. From whom did you get your last email? One of the yahoogroups I never read anymore. I really should remove myself from the emails.

36. At which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Hot Topic, Borders, Best Buy, Home Depot. Not necessarily in that order.

37. Do anything spontaneous lately? My best friend and I spent 4 hours laughing uncontrollably at two nights ago... Oh! I joined a Sherlock Holmes friend meme, which I'd never done before.

38. Like your job? If I had one, I could answer this question.

39. What was your favorite vacation? Mmm well there were only 2 that I went on with the family when I was a kid, but I've taken some with friends since then... I don't know if I could pick one. Definitely spending a whole day doing nothing at Venice Beach after crazy school schedule, crazy roadtrip across USA, and just before starting crazy summer job is one of the best memories ever. I also enjoyed going to my fraternity's National Convention in Summer 2007 with friends in Orlando, FL.

40. Last person you went out to eat with? My mom and I went to Subway a few weeks ago while we were doing errands... or my post-graduation dinner at The Winking Lizard with mom, my brother, my best friend, and my other good friend. That was fun and really nice.

41. What are you listening to right now? Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance

42. What is your favorite color? Green, Heather Grey, Silver, Black, Blue in that order.

43. How many tattoos do you have? None yet, though I've always been interested in getting one.

44. Coffee Drinker? Not especially, though I have learned that I'm starting to like it more than I did. Especially Pumpkin or Gingerbread Lattes.

45. What time did you finish this quiz? 8:04 AM


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