So I'm totally random tonight. After staring at what must be one of Jensen's senior pictures,
I realized how crazy Texans are. I mean, this kid is wearing a sweatshirt with the name of his state on it and his state flag on his head, and he's smiling and obviously so proud, because he got it for a senior picture pose. (Or so I'm guessing, but the pose is so Senior picture cliched it's gotta be.) Now, I know damn well that if anyone in Ohio decided the wear a sweatshirt that said "Ohio" on it and somehow tied the state pennent to their head they'd be TOTALLY laughed at... and most likely weren't really from Ohio anyway because everyone in this state hates it and wants to leave.
Now my question is why are Texans so gung-ho about their state, when the only other people I've talked to who like theirs are people from Pittsburg (and only when talking to someone from Ohio). (Mostly because of the Steeler's/Pitt vs. Brown's/OSU thing.)
I mean, honestly. Do Texans teach state pride in elementary school or something? Cuz Ohio really really doesn't.
Oh well. So that was my first random thought of the night. Second was the fact that over the past few nights I've been reading tons of fanfic and writing down on a regular sized post-it note all of my kinks. The post it note is full and I count... 33... and sadly all of them were thought with Supernatural in mind, meaning that I've read fics or seen pictures containing at least one of each... though I've done the same with Buffy previously.
1. Spanking
2. Bondage
3. belt!kink
4. gun!kink
5. Guys wearing: necklaces, 6.make-up, 7.tight pants (pref. leather), 8.mesh shirts, undies, 10.bracelets, 11.suit coats and jeans combined
12. Being called by the surname. (e.g. "Ackles!" "Kane!" "Mr. Winchester." "Mr. Holloway" err that last one was a character of mine)
13. Car!kink (with black '67 Impalas especially... and sometimes orange '69 Dodge Chargers... so I liked the Dukes of Hazzard when I was younger...)
14. Slamming people into walls/car hoods/floors/bridges. Slamming in general really.
15. Snark/Sarcasm especially with Spike (BtVS/AtS), Lindsey (AtS), and Dean (SPN)
16. Spikey hair. (punk!Spike, Angel's ridge, Dean)
17. Gay men. (everything... but QaF is so far the hottest non-porn show I've ever seen)
18. Domination
19. Torture (to a point... and especially hot pokers... *dies in The Benders with Dean...*)
20. "Sir." (oh God everytime the boys are talking to Dad on SPN...)
21. daddy!kink (which totally sums up Angel/Spike)
22. Men's biceps. (Jesus CK... how much I love thee.)
23. Men's Arms. (the stronger to smack you with my dear.)
24. Wrists. (see bracelet!kink... and HELLO Johnny Depp and Dom Monaghan)
25. Necks. (Jared you opened my eyes to this one)
26. Hands. (Johnny Depp has the hottest hands on EARTH.)
27. Men's shaved chests.
28. Breasts.
29. Nipples. (Both sexes... and Jensen's officially got the pointiest nipples I've ever seen.)
30. Butts. (I actually like smaller/normal sized butts better than huge ones)
31. Smiles. (and everything that comes with them: Teeth, lips, dimples, and Jensen's crinkles.
32. Green/Hazel eyes.
33. Brown Hair.
I just thought I'd share that which is probably more TMI that anyone needed to know about me... but I'm horny and can't help but share my kinkiness with the world. Woo.