Dec 04, 2007 15:57
...that I went to my last two interviews in jeans, she'd probably disown me.
Regardless, I got the last job (theater thing). And you know what? I got this one, too.
They would have started me tomorrow, but I want to give notice at Pizza Hut. They gave me two weeks, so I may pull double duty for the two weeks after just so I don't feel guilty.
Bill got the tech job, too. He needs to give the same notice, so we'll start about the same day and probably carpool.
It's bizarre to think I'm getting out of Pizza Hut. That I won't have a company logo on my shirt, or my name on a tag. That I can throw away my (third pair of) tattered non-slip black shoes. That I can wear jeans and sneakers and whatever the hell 'business casual' lets me get away with. No more getting yelled at for things that weren't my fault, no more dealing with the idiocy of the common public for hours on end. Sick days, productivity and longevity incentives, advancement opportunity. And this is for real?