Apr 20, 2006 11:47
Well... I've been a bit obsessed with the relaxation, lotions, etc. lately. Which is pretty much what I like to do anyway. Once I have some extra mula, I'm planning on raiding Bath & Body Works, and Bed Bath & Beyond. :p
I need to start writing. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but sometime in the next millenia... I have to start putting my thoughts into others through my characters. I may introduce new ones, while at the same time, revive the ancient ones. It feels like so long ago when I felt that I could always make a living off of my thoughts put into charries. Sure, I wish I felt that way sometimes, but my goals are set somewhere else.
I have my Placement test for UW-Milwaukee on April 27th. I'm waiting for my response from MATC to set a date yet.
It amazes me that all the norms that are on AIM are all offline....only 4 out of 62 people on my buddy list remain. lol I'm hardly online anymore.
There's a band called Dubstar.....they're not bad.
...Why do I update this knowing that only a select few will ever read it? ::shrug:: Maybe 'cause I don't care. .-.
Fruit for breakfast = spectacular after-taste