
Oct 02, 2005 16:42


Moodtheme Name: Lierre's Pumpkin
Description: Jack-o-lanterns, just in time for Halloween.
Technical: format=GIF 128 dithered; transparency=yes; animated=mostly; width/height=55x55
(113 kb) OR
(115 kb)
Credit: Please credit on your userinfo or journal layout.
Comments: In addition to being Halloween, the 31st of October this year is also National Sensory Awareness Day in the US, as sponsored by S.I. Focus International. Chances are not so slim that someone you know (or even you yourself) is affected by some form of a sensory integration dysfunction, such as sensory hypersensitivity thought to be caused by an overactive or wrongly functioning trigeminal nerve, which I myself have had from birth. One of the hardest parts of dealing with something like this is that most people have never heard of it and so really have no idea what it's all about. So spread the information. Knowledge is power ;) Oh, and enjoy the pumpkins. Happy Halloween...
Usage: Commands and assignments are included in the compressed file as a text file called post-temp.txt with instructions.

Please note that in order for the provided commands to work, you must first upload the unzipped images to your server, replace the http://www.site.com/ with your own site, and make #### the moodthemeID which you received when you entered the moodtheme_create command enclosed. For more information on how to use these commands, see the Guide to Using Li Moods. It would be helpful to me if you let me know that you're using a theme I've created, to give me an opportunity to check it out on different backgrounds and in other layouts. To keep updated on additions, fixes, alterations, details, publication or other news of this and other mood themes, monitor this community. New themes are added as completed. All images are copyright © lierre and may not be altered, used in part, or used for purposes other than those specified. All given code must be kept intact except where instructions specify a necessary change (for moodthemeID and image URL). All rights reserved.

My moodthemes are free for private use. I don't want anyone to not be able to use them because they can't spare another few dollars after having paid for their journal account. However, if you would like to make a donation, click below:

If you run an LJ-like site (LJ clone) and want to use any of my work as system themes, please contact me about licensing.

orange, autumn, halloween, seasonal, *size: large, pumpkin, *moodthemes

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