(no subject)

Mar 09, 2011 14:50

I've decided I need to write in my livejournal more. I really enjoy reading over all my old entries, so I should probably keep doing it. I was also thinking lately that I have a really terrible memory. Like, really bad. If I write in here about what I do day to day maybe it will help me remember things more or will at least be a way for me to look back over what I was doing at this time in my life.

Right now it's pretty boring. I'm laying in bed waiting for Lulu to get off so I can go pick her up, pay Chase what's overdrawn in my account(oops!) and then go on a bike ride! I need to buy an air pump so I can fill the tires in my mom and Seth's bikes. I'm so pumped to go bike riding. I used to ride my bike freaking EVERYWHERE in high school. I miss it. I remember one time I got in a huge fight with my mom and Seth and I ran away on my bike for like...two hours so I'm sure they didn't even realize. What a pansy. When Erin gets back from Vegas we decided we're gonna buy cute cruiser bikes and ride them instead of going to the gym sometimes. Target has a really cute Paul Frank one but it's like $300. =( No thanks. I have to save money because Josh told me he'd go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter with me over the summer! We can't go if I don't save money so I'm determined to do it because I want to go so bad! I think I'm going to go waste some time on the website for it now to get even more excited.
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