
Jan 24, 2010 13:10

I really wanted to do stuff while on my vacation and all I've managed to do is sleep, and go to Target a lot. Not that I'm complaining. It's very relaxing...and I love Target. I've bought a lot of books, and gone out to eat way too much. But today is Sunday and the start of a new week, and I need to cut back. I think I'm going to start giving my mom and Seth like $200 a month. I mean, I can swing it, why not help them out? Seth's unemployment only covers the house payment. It's shitty seeing my family struggling, and there's no reason I can't help them out. I'm getting my braces, and that's enough for me to be happy about.

Josh is still sleeping, as he normally does. He probably won't be up for another two hours, lol.

I'm not really ready to go back to work. =/ I have all of today off, tomorrow, and I close Tuesday so I guess it's not too close yet. I just feel...blehhh I don't wanna go back!

OK, I'm gonna hang out with my family now. Last night my Mom had us buy her sleeping pills cause she's nervous about her surgery coming up, and we almost got her to fist pump for them. But she overpowered us cause she's strong as hell.
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