(no subject)

Nov 11, 2009 10:33

Geez, I haven't updated in a while. Last night Josh and I and a bunch of our friends went to the White Rhino bar for my manager Erin's birthday. It was so much fun! I stayed on the good side of being drunk all night and Josh and I won $500! Every bar I've been to in Indiana has these little pop tab games you can play, and we NEVER win! Our friend John spent $60 on them last night and I think he ended up winning like $30 or something. He and Erin won $600 the other night, I guess. But anyway, I put in $20 and I was so surprised when we won! Josh and I opened the last one together and we saw 500 and were like WE WON!!! and we were screaming like crazy, haha. It was such a good time. I'm using my half to buy a new phone today...maybe. I have a sort of upgrade available in December, but if it's not that much of a discount(I'll only be a year and a half into my contract, so it said partial idk) then I'm just going to buy a phone outright. Plus, I get a discount on the phones at work anyway. I reallllyyy want a blackberry. I'm so tired of my iphone! The new glass is terribly unresponsive. The only thing I'll miss is the ipod, but I just got my ipod back from the service center at work so I'll have that.

I went to Round the Clock with Erin(Erin Chili, not work Erin...too many Erins)the other night after work until like 2 in the morning. It was a good time. Dusty is a host that we have hated for a long time because he was a dick at some point or another, and somehow he totally won us over that night. =/ I'm not really sure how it happened, but it was awkward and funny and cute all at the same time.

I don't think anything else has happened recently that's worth writing about. I need to get ready for work and call AT&T.

Those little rows have cardboard/paper pieces attached over them that are perforated so when you bend it in the middle they pull off. Both of those ones I won $1 from, but I never cashed them in since they were from my 21st birthday.

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