Sep 23, 2006 22:29
Finally taking the time to update my blog...hehe...during the mid-sem break I got myself a laptop yay!!! That's why I can online here at USM. Got LAN in the rooms and also wireless connection at the cafeteria as well as Materials School. Not bad leh...I guess the authorities realise how cut off we are from civilisation over here at Parit Buntar/Nibong Tebal =.="...
The past few weeks have been hectic as usual with tests...quizes...weekly experiment reports to do!!! FAV lab reports...haven't finish writing next week's one and I got test and assignments due next week as well!!! Phew...ah haven't finish my maths tutorial as well...but I'm beginning to get used to the pace here. Constant studying! And if there's any free time...spend it wisely..go out with friends, go play games and most importantly sleep! Hehe...
Anyway, last Thursday at exactly 1am...we had fire drill! Grrrr....lucky my class starts at 10am on Thursdays. So there we were looking like walking zombies. I made a revelation that day though. Did you know that the most important thing to grab when the fire alarm goes off is the handphone??? Lol...all my roommates including myself took our handphones and left our purses in the room. None of us brought our MyKad with us!!! So much for priorities these days eh?...hehe...
Then last Friday while having engineering drawing at the Materials School, we had another fire drill! I guess it's fire drill season. I heard there's one every semester. This time there was a firetruck around and some firemen did some demonstration on how to put out a fire with the fire extinguisher. I must say that my school's dean is damn sporting! She's a very petite lady but very friendly and outgoing. She took part in the demonstration. Cekap!
That's about it la for now. Got my exams timetable aready. My last paper is on the 10th of November...yay...then one month's holiday...weeee....can't wait!
Note to self: Find my PA!!!