Apr 26, 2006 23:05
Hehehe....so happy today! But I shall start with yesterday...went out with Oi Leng and I finally got my ears pierced!!! It was @#&*^%$* painful!!! OUCHHHH...still hurts now...gah! Anyway...first off thanks Oi Leng for going through the whole piercing process with me and lunch and the cute prezzie and the yum yum cake your mom made :)
Besides that, I just wanna thank everyone for your wishes...Sinn Yi got the honour of wishing me first this year. After all she thought my birthday was on the 16th =.=" ...haha...she wished me again today! hehe...also thanks to my cousin Bronwyn(for the sms all the way from Canberra), Wendee(for the testi on friendster), Lilian(msg through friendster), Mun Bin(who sent me a card through mail), my Polo permanent Mei(for the cuteeee!!! shirt) and Chin Kit(for wishing me thru msn).
Then there were all the smses from darling Jared, Kelvin <3, my ex-comm head Wern Liang(who also called me this morning!!! so unexpected!), Wendee(again!! <3<3), Chee Sheng(all the way from Perth!) and Sasi who's at AIMST right this moment...
At work this afternoon, I got wishes from my colleagues at Larrie, Timberland and Hong from Diadora. Even got a present from Kah Hong(Timberland)...that's unexpected and was suppose to be treated to dinner by Teng and Man also from Timberland. However, I got booked first to go with Kelvin. Had dinner at Coral and got a slice of cake from Bread Legend. Love ya lotssss!!! Btw...tiramisu from Bread Legend sux big time...
Just now I checked my friendster and I got 2 more testis..one absolutely SWEET testi from Jared baby and the other from Kar Ning whom I got to know through friendster...thanks lots!!!
Checked my email and found that Sze Guan sent me and ecard from Hallmark! Just like he does every year since I got to know him! It's just so cute!!! Oh and another one from Scott. Just saw it...so sweet...here's a quote from Scott's ecard:
"The world is so full
of a number of things,
I'm sure we should all
be as happy as kings."
-Robert Louis Stevenson
Sigh...lovely msges from everyone...I'm blessed :) Thanks all once again!
[EDIT]Thanks Kee Cheong for the testi! Just saw it! And yea sorry Wern Liang...didn't realised that you called again at night to sing me a birthday song..damn..can't believe i missed that! what a shame! well there's always next year i guess...hehe.. =)
[EDIT2]Weng Yip and Kitt Meng sent belated sms...on thursday...hoho...and today (friday) raymun msg thru msn...=.="