Happy bday dad...how's heaven now a days?
Happy bday dad...Down here everything pretty much the same
Happy bday dad...I miss you, but that's old news
Happy bday dad...can I ask u something totally selfish?
Happy bday dad...can I be not my self and ask you?
Happy bday dad...can I visit you there?
Happy bday dad...can I see you for a moment?
Happy bday dad...because I'm tired asking you to come down
Happy bday dad...because I'm tired being the strong one
Happy bday dad...because I'm tired joking around
Happy bday dad...because I'm tired living like a pawn
Happy bday dad...don't I deserve a closure?
Happy bday dad...don't I unbreakable under pressure?
Happy bday dad...don't I turn into your perfect creature?
Happy bday dad...just a fleet of moment
Happy bday dad...just a glitch of time
Happy bday dad...to be child again
Happy bday dad...happy happy bday...and I wish you nothing but different than years before...
I wish you here with me. Nothing less, nothing more.
I wish you here with me. Because I'm still crying even when I'm writing this.
Please dad...let's end it.
Let me visit you there dad...please
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