random updates

May 06, 2006 11:03

i got shorter! i dropped around an inch, so i'm now about six' three".

i spoke with a psych doctor who doubles as a quantum physacist. name's Germine, his wife is a traumatologist (i saw her sometime the other week). we talked with one another while he fervently filled out paperwork, justifying lowering my average dose and handing me enough for the next month and a half for free. olanzapine, hmmmm... . . .

anyhoo, he confirmed that what other doctors hitherto have described as "halucinations" is actually the tell tale signs of hyper-sensitivity. i hear from a low, nah, Extremely Low Freguencincy all the wat to a high pitched cacaphonie of birds or bells, ringing at different speeds and rythms. i'm to understand the e.l.f.s are the frequincy by which the american government can communicate with submarines (as the waves pass through both matter and any depth of water), and that i might be "hearing" my own nervous system fire electricity.

and ya know what?

i'm now horrified/scared of handling money, each time i travel my nervous go into a low systemic shock, the sun flings me directly into a weak kneed whole body shudder bordering on imminent crash, and at night?

at night the entire sky looks core red-shifted.

sometimes, it feels as good as being dead already, come back again... . ...

damn meds.
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