I admit that I am almost as annoyed by all of the recent football status updates on Facebook as I was with all of the political ones. I am quite tired of seeing them.
I admit that this is probably a case of me being "highbrowish". (I stole this term from C.S. Lewis, who felt the same way about sports as I.)
[1] It is a flaw in my character; it is
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For example, I have a soft spot in my heart for the musical "Rent" partly because of its aesthetics, certainly, but also because of its tradition of what it reminds me of from college (we used to listen to the soundtrack in the makeup room before every show). I have seen it on stage. I went to the theatre when it came out on film, and I bought the DVD. I even have a"Rent" magnet on my fridge. I could apply themes from Rent in everyday conversation. I know many who could do the same with, say, High School Musical or the Jonas Brothers or even Lost or 24. How is that different from being a sports fan? It's just a different niche in society (albeit a fairly large one). I know fans so obsessed over Lost that it's kind of creepy, same as some sports fans. And I know casual Lost viewers just as there are casual sports viewers.
I also want to note that the "following one team" thing is a matter of being a "bandwagon fan" which I absolutely hate (see icon). The teams I follow are teams I grew up with as a kid - both locally and family ties (e.g. Eagles).
I watch sports in much the same way that I watch any other form of entertainment. There are multiple ways to enjoy it....
This is key, I think, and it reminds me of the thesis C.S. Lewis had in An Experiment in Criticism. He argued that people can "misuse" literature, poetry, and art. I'd argue that this could be extended to any form of entertainment, including sports and movies.
As an avid film-lover, I assume you would argue that film could be evaluated -- at least some elements of it -- in an objective fashion. There are some things that make -- all else being equal -- the quality of one film better than another.
It seems to me that many, many people, however, are clueless about such qualities of film. Likewise, I think many are clueless about the aesthetic qualities (or other sources of value) of sports -- myself usually included -- yet enjoy them anyway -- myself usually excluded -- just like people often enjoy "bad" movies.
The obessession issue is a separate one, which you seem to be arguing, and I totally agree.
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