Sadly, I must confess that I spent at least 15 minutes today right after lunch watching a big, yellow, Caterpillar roll over a mount of crushed and broken brick, stone, and wood and rip and bash to shreds and bits yet another house on 3200 block of N. Charles & St. Paul. Mournfully, I must confess that I enjoyed watching this destruction.
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Dressing up is mostly a girl thing because women were created to find great joy in their husbands' joy over them. (Before anyone cries chauvenist, read Genesis 3:16b. Also, the Song of Solomon.)
You were created to be a chaste seductress -- to find in your husband's attraction to you an echo of a holy God's desire for all of us.
The possible perversions of this God-given desire are too obvious to enummerate.
Let me ask, though:
Would your life and self-perspective be different if you believed deeply that God takes delight and satisfaction in you, that He is inpsired even to song by your beauty? That your every breath gives Him pleasure more surely than it will your husband?
Do you believe then that God loves only the abstract thing you call your "soul?"
Or is He, like a loving Father, pleased and blessed by everything about you, simply because you are His, and He made you the way you are?
Let me encourage you to re-read Phillipians 1:3-11. What is the work that God began in you at salvation, that He is even now performing in you, and will only be complete upon the day of Christ Jesus?
Let me also encourage you to re-read John 17:20-25. What do you think it meant when Jesus prayed that we would be one with the Trinity, He in us and the Father in Him?
I'll be praying for you--not that you will agree with me but that, no matter what you decide about the "issue," you will know more deeply that it was God's love for you that drew Him to you in the first place.
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