On Hand Dryers vs. Paper Towel Dispensers

Sep 25, 2007 17:48

This entry is another example of modern bathroom technology annoying me.[1]

All over campus, they have been replacing paper towel dispensers in the bathrooms. They used to have a simple pull-the-level-to-dispense-towels variety. For some reason they saw fit to replace these with one of two things.

Some of the bathrooms have received the pull-the-paper-out-directly-and-it-will-tear-off-automatically kind. These kind have an awkward, handle-less "emergency" feed switch that you can rotate on the side that is usually red. Of course, the things rarely work as they are supposed to, meaning that you have to use the "emergency" turning switch, which is rather difficult to turn without a handle. It instead has two finger grooves. Now, one of the excuses given for such dispensers is that it limits the spread of germs. (Now, since everyone should be washing their hands, this shouldn't be a problem anyhow. But disgustingly, it is.)

Now let's imagine that you are a little bacterium. Where would you rather live? A) on a smooth handle? or B) in a cozy, deep, groove? I would choose B myself. If the dispensers worked better, no one would have to touch the "emergency" knob thing, but since that's the usual way you have to get the paper out, it is no better if not worse than the handle-operated dispensers.

Furthermore, I can always use my elbows to push a potentially germ-infested handle. One cannot use his or her elbows to turn an "emergency" knob.

And the thing is, the good old fashioned dispensers simply layered the towels such that they could be gently pulled out of a metal box, much like an inverted tissue box. If one had an "emergency" misfeed, there was no little knob to twist; you only had to stick your fingers in and pull out the difficult sheet, infecting only the sheet you were forcing out.

Other bathrooms have received hand dryers. These machines generally brag about being paper-less and therefore more sanitary and better for the environment. This would be all well and good except that A) paper dries hands more quickly; B) you either have to push a button (potential germs; hardly more sanitary) or wave your hands frantically[1] to turn them on; C) most bathrooms have doors that must be opened and, since some gross people do not wash their hands, without a paper towel to use to open the door, you are just going to get germs all over your hands anyway. The latter problem is enhanced if you have to pull the door in to exit. It is easy enough to push a door open with a shoulder, not so easy to pull one open with a shoulder.

My guess is that places buy dryers because it is cheaper to run a heater and fan than it is to buy paper. They then claim it is better for the environment because it makes everyone feel better. (They could always recycle the paper.)

Oh, yes, and in case I haven't already made this point: WASH YOUR HANDS, PEOPLE!

technology, anti-favorites, sanitation

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