I've never liked the concept of sleeping. (It is true, however, that I sometimes don't like to wake up.) It always seems like an immense waste of time. I also hate that I cannot think during it. I dislike most dreams, because they make no sense. For a long time when younger, I was really bothered by the question, "Where do I go when I sleep?" that is, my self. And even now, I don't think I quite understand biologically why sleep is necessary. Yes, I've heard various theories, but much of it is still a mystery.
So I stumbled upon
this article. Apparently, baby dolphins and orcas drive their moms insane by never going to sleep for an entire month! It's like the exact opposite of hibernation, and it is baffling scientists.
Anyhow, I'm kind of hoping they can figure out some practical info. from this, so that I can take a drug that will allow me to never sleep unless I desire to. Then I would have so much time to translate and write and create and design and learn and hike, etc., etc., etc....