Aside from my bones cracking, I'm pretty quiet.

Nov 17, 2009 23:49

Ahhh I feel so old. What 17 year old experiences back problems?
And whose ankles crack as they walk?
Never drank milk as a child. I've always hated it.
Yet considering the amount of cereal I eat with never ending relish, and the amount of yogurt I eat, one would think I'm getting quite a bit of calcium now.

Actually, I'm probably not getting nearly the calcium I should be.
What foods besides dairy have calcium? Any?
Google time.
.... -processing-
Google result says:
•Collard greens
•Turnip greens
•White beans
•Baked beans
•Brussel sprouts
•Sesame seeds
•Bok choy
•Almonds "


Anyhow, enough about my possible calcium deficiency.

Roommate ranting! Yay!
Because these people (referring to two of them; the third is my friend and does not commit these offenses as far as I know) never, ever, change the trash or recycling bags. The time before last, I decided to wait it out and see how long they would go before they would actually do it themselves.
Oh, that never happened. I did it anyway, because it was getting ridiculous.
So this time, the recycling was overflowing. I mean it. And when you literally couldn't fit any more on top, they started to then throw recycling products into the regular trash bag.
And this irritated me. I was thinking with an angry tone, "...Really? REALLY?"
So I pulled out another recycling bag and pulled out the excess from the recycling bin and yanked out some of the plastic/paper I didn't want to get tossed as regular trash, and put it in a new bag.
Then I had to change both bins.
Also, I had to take down that trash and another one that's been sitting there for days now. Two filled recycling bags accompany it. And I'll probably be the one to take those down too. Rawr.

I was about to rant more, but I'll cut it to that for now.

Painting is not the same as drawing. As obvious as that sounds, it's somewhat difficult to distinguish while working. You sort of approach it with the same expectation of how it should look....something like that. Hard to describe.
I'm a lousy painter.
I've gotten a lot better from my painting class, I'll say that. But I'm still not that strong.
(Come to think of it, I'm not that strong in anything other than pen drawings...ARGH. That's the sound of me sucking....)

I think I'm ranting because I'm frustrated over my project and exhausted....
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