[ That... last week had been rather strange. After all that had happened, he really felt like he needed some time to himself. To not only go through that and come back just in time, well... it had been a bit crazy for himself and his cousin.
As far as he was concerned, that strange man he had met... that hadn't happened. It was just a distant dream; besides, who would believe that breaking reality as you knew it would cause that sort of repercussion, anyway? ... Oh, wait. He did. He just didn't expect that the metaphysical breakdown of their current time and place the Laplace system was tapping into would open a stable portal through the dimensions. It was a little ridiculous.
So, here he was, researching the problem. Of course Naoya had been well-prepared for this Lockdown beforehand; he had another apartment inside the Yamanote Loop that he was fairly sure would be safe. A back up generator and plenty of fuel, of course, and provisional supplies if it came to him needing to bring anyone ELSE here, thankfully. The first thing he did when he got back was, knowing his cousin would be having a hard time but manage, go back to this very same apartment, and plug in his computer to check the server. Running at peak status, and everything was fine. He had backups of everything, of course, in case the laptop was, say, damaged or stolen, but one could never be too careful. He left his COMPs elsewhere to charge, but he always carried a new one with him, since you never know when that'll come in handy.
After checking the laptop at his desk, he got up from his chair to go make himself some coffee.
... And then he heard it. Or rather sensed it. Something opening up. In his apartment. And then silence. ... So he turns around to head in the other direction, coffee in hand, glasses on, wondering what in the ever loving hell just happened in his living room. ]
(( BLABLA SPOILERS FOR DEVIL SURVIVOR AND PANDORA HEARTS MAYBE, BLABLA. Shenanigans, too. So many shenanigans. Locked to my dearest Cal. ♥ FEEL BETTER SOON MY LOVE, I gift you TL;DR. :D ))