Don't worry, Sis.
[ There's a rather ostentatious looking young boy wearing a lot of purple, with a large doll following him. Maybe you recognize them, maybe you don't. Either way, the boy and his large, self-walking and not so much talking doll seem a bit--well... lost. ]
Kagutsuchi can't be far from here...
[ He pauses, listening intently to--
Read more... )
But he looked familiar. Like she saw in a dream long time ago.*
You look a little lost there.
... Ah, excuse me! I am just a little lost. This... might be an odd question, Miss, but... have we met somewhere before?
... You too? I am getting this strangest feeling I have met you before, but I ... *a freon*
I don't remember.
Regardless, I feel it would be rude of me not to introduce myself. My name is Carl Clover. I know I may not look it, but I'm a vigilante...
[ He feels like her name is just on the tip of his tongue, somehow-- ]
It's nice to meet you.
A vigilante. I have to admit, this is my first time meeting one.
*She smiles a little, although it is from exasperation, and does a little curtsy of her own.*
Although I have met stranger people. I'm Alice. Alice Liddel. It's nice to meet you as well Carl.
You wouldn't happen to have an idea as to where we currently are, would you? While I would really enjoy talking to you... my sister and I are in a bit of a hurry. Do you know how to get to the Thirteenth Hierarchical city Kagutsuchi from here? I believe we were closest to a town named Orient Town when we left, but...
[ Somehow he got lost. He... thinks. He doesn't really remember, he just... kind of woke up somewhere else. ]
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