VATHEONNaoya; Devil Survivor
Tagging priority: ■□□□□: Haha, admittedly, Naoya is the one I do tags LAST for. His are the ones that require me to think the most, after all. If I'm tired for example I try not to do the really complex tags for him (but who am I kidding they're always complex), since I know I could do better insults, dig into other characters he's talking to more, etc.
Muse strength: ■■■■□: Naoya was the first I ever apped and kept at a game. And admittedly, I'm over-confident at times with him because I feel like I just know him. But then there are times when I worry if I'm making him TOO kind, or whatever.
... He's... developed a lot. Sometimes I do worry about if I'm playing him right because I'm using a lot of headcanon and various other things... particularly when it comes to
redcloakedthief and
sweeperesque; their CR is close and developed and... well. It HAS been a WHOLE YEAR, but. In canon I don't have examples of this kind of thing sob. Naoya NEVER would have held someone's hand or agreed to do the stuff he does in Vat. : |a
Cast strength: ■■□□□: We have an Atsuro and a Neko-tan I love very much, but I wish we had MORE castmates. But Naoya is someone who works just fine without anyone so it's alright. ♥
Plotting capabilities: ■■■□□: Plotting with him is really easy, but I can't throw him all over the place as much as I want to lately because of my other characters. So he sort of takes a back seat to Ryoji. xD;;
General fun level: ■■■■□: Not even gonna lie, I have a blast when he's being a heartless bastard and trolling the shit out of poor kids like Minato or N.
Likelihood of drop: □□□□□: The day I drop Naoya is when I quit RPing at Vatheon forever.
Naoki Kashima (Hitoshura); Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
Tagging priority: ■■■□□: I generally do Naoki's tags second or third to Maya and Ryoji; they're usually a lot of fun, but Maya comes easier at times than he does. Just... see Ryoji's section.
Muse strength: ■■■□□: He's one I'm still working on and (admittedly) pretty worried about my characterization with. I took him from Neutral route, since I'm more of a fan of the idea of him just being a very lost teenager than the "knows what he's doing in all situations and is never fazed" protag.
Sometimes I worry he's too talkative etc., though. |D;;
Cast strength: □□□□□: ... Lmfao sob I will never have Nocturne castmates. ;;
Plotting capabilities: ■■■■□: Naoki is pretty easy to plot with, since he has the perspective of normal stuff being AWESOME since his world used to be normal, as well as abnormal shit being something he's used to. He's also sort of easy to troll, and can put up a good fight, so plotting with him is always fun.
General fun level: ■■■■□: I have a lot of fun having him make blunt/silly remarks on stuff, and be generally a very awkward/derpy turtle.
Likelihood of drop: ■■□□□: Well, he'd definitely be the first to go if I need to drop, but... for now, I have no plans on it. I love playing him and watching him develop and make friends.
Maya Amano; Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Tagging priority: ■■■■□: Maya tags usually come second or first. /points below to explanation
Muse strength: ■■□□□: Maya comes naturally to me because we're a lot alike personality-wise and how we're both all LET'S POSITIVE THINKING, but I do worry about how she actually TALKS to people. I'm still not very confident with her, even if I do enjoy playing her a ton. It's really slow going so far, getting comfortable with her voice. ;;
Cast strength: □□□□□: SOB, I WISH I HAD A PERSONA 2 CAST. Particularly the Tsumi/Innocent Sin kids. ;_; I would kill for castmates akjshg JUN ESPECIALLY. Jun and Tatsuya aaaahhh asjhf.
There was a point where I THOUGHT I was getting a cast but it never happened? I'M PRETTY SAD.
That said, MAYA IS A LONE CANON WARRIOR and I'm alright with it; she's okay on her own.
Plotting capabilities: ■■■■■: Man Maya is the most silly social woman ever. She's SO EASY to plot with because she's a true Persona protag in that she listens to everyone, cares about everyone, and considers everyone else before herself always. And then there's the silly things she does and her starting a magazine and always on the hunt for a scoop as a reporter so... yeah. She's easy to plot with or tag around with, and admittedly, other than Ryoji, she is the one I would throw into random posts.
General fun level: ■■■■■: Maya is just... really flexible and fun! She's nutty and silly and so adaptable. She takes care of Minato and the P3 kids and it is SO CUTE how she has practically verbally strongarmed herself into being their big sis, hahahaha. I get to quote poetry, and generally just be silly with her. It's a blast.
Likelihood of drop: ■□□□□: I love playing Maya a bunch and I love her CR. I'm probably not going to be dropping her any time soon, because of how much people rely on her (which is exactly what she wants, to take care of all the ~lost children~ who need a good mother/big sis/parental figure/adult in their life) and because... well, when I've had a bad day or I'm sick of negativity, Maya is just this little ray of sunshine in my day, and I love her for it.
Let's positive thinking~!
Ryoji Mochizuki; Persona 3
Tagging priority: ■■■■■: Ryoji's tags always come first or second, but my tag order really depends on the mood I'm in, so I don't have a particular one. It changes on a day to day basis.
Muse strength: ■■■■■: I've been playing Ryoji for literally years now. He was the first character I EVER applied for to a game (although an AU SEES version was the one I applied as), and I fell in love with him quickly. I feel like I understand him almost as much as I do Naoya, possibly even more to the extent that his tags are just second nature by now.
Cast strength: ■■■■□: WE HAVE THE BEST P3 CAST AT VAT AHHH I love my Minato and my Yukari and--everyone. ;; But we need more! I would kill for SEES and Strega. :c
Plotting capabilities: ■■■■■: Ryoji is SO SOCIAL, good god! I can throw him at literally ANYTHING man FFFFF.
General fun level: ■■■■■: He is the MOST FUN oh man. He's so silly sometimes, but then he has SRS BSNS ANGSTY THREADS and those are amazing and ahhhh I love playing him SO MUCH, it's a blast.
Likelihood of drop: □□□□□: The moment I drop him is the moment when Cal drops Minato. THAT IS NOT ANYTIME SOON EVER, PERIOD.
HTML: Original HTML from my darling
kalisona; slightly edited by me:
Character Name; SeriesTagging priority: ■□□□□:
Muse strength: ■□□□□:
Cast strength: ■□□□□:
Plotting capabilities: ■□□□□:
General fun level: ■□□□□:
Likelihood of drop: ■□□□□: