Oct 09, 2005 13:22
The weekend started off with a whimper...it really did...blah
friday was okay...St. Joe game was EFFING BORING...we played like crap...and still one...which proves how crappy st. joe is...lol...tony didnt go and was at Alex Brackmans house and didnt have service so i never got ahold of him and he never called me
came home from the game and went to bed early
Then on saturday i got ahold of Tony...we ended up going to get subway...came back to my house...ate
decided to rent a movie...found out video palace is gone...WTF!?..lol...so we drove all the way to family video...got the longestyard...and came back and watched a half hour of it...then went with my mom to the high school to for lakeshore invite
holy eff it was cold...lol...but Lakeshore Rocked (holy-added-alot-at-tech-rehearsal)...so did Hartford...and RV wasnt Horrible ;-) ...you guys did really well...lol
anywho...afterwards met tony at the band room...ran to martins for munchies....the millers were over...associated with them for a while then finished our movie and crashed
and here i am...BORED...yesterday was so fun too...blah...oh well
i should be working on music history but i really dont feel like subjecting myself to that torture at the moment...so ill relax before work and then worry about that later :-)