Oct 08, 2005 20:05
I found this 3 or 4 months ago and i just saved it as a Notepad file and i dont remember where i found it. If you happen to know who wrote it, please, let me know. It describes so well the mood im falling into, these days..
and so you realize one day.
fingers will be fingers. toes will be toes. you’ll touch. you’ll walk. people are animals and animals are not people.
everything becomes much clearer. you can see. you can feel. you can hear. you see trees, children, bones. you feel dreams, sorrow, and love. you hear a beating heart, a ticking clock, water. you don’t have a problem with the world. though you seem to be a problem sometimes. you keep going. the sky comes with you. so does the wind. it blows your mind away as you can’t comprehend the nature of it.
you’re not happy. you’re not unhappy. you’re kind of just there. seeing, feeling, and hearing.
it’s alright. it’s not unhappy nor is it happy.
nothing is ok. nothing - is ok.
that’s what they keep telling you. but as long as beauty and joy can make you cry, and grief makes you smile and comprehend - then nothing becomes something. take everything seriously; don’t take anything seriously. walk or wait. green or red. the intersection lights will tell you. the rest is up to you.
the sky will be there, regardless.