Thanks for the grub!

Oct 17, 2008 13:47

This past weekend was Thanksgiving in Canada, and there was no shortage of family drama in my house, as usual. My mom was hosting this year and my aunt Mary and uncle Todd were in from Lindsay and they brought their two bratty kids (my cousins - I can't stand them). They just left yesterday. Anyway, she's my dad's sister, and she really rubs my mom the wrong way sometimes. So there was some major tension. BLAH! well the dinner was good. Nothing like turkey with all of the fixings to set things right (mmm gravy!). Mom and aunt Mary were still beign stupid but at least we cuold ignore them and eat. Andrew (my brother) and I were holed up in the basement watching movies practically the whole weekend. At least it shut the stupid cousins up, but in between movies they wanted to play Andrew's Playstation and he didn't want to let them. Dad seemed to be hanging low. He went out a couple times with Mary and Todd too see the sites around town (Todd went to Queens for a year or two - didn't graduate from there, but of course he wanted to see the campus anyway). It was a nice weekend weather-wise so they had a nice time , and it got Mary out of the house and out of my mom's hair.

Then it was the election the next day! Stupid Stephen Harper scehdules it for right after Thanksgiving. What a dick. I hate him, but my parents love him (WTF). Andrew doesn't care - he didn't even vote. I don't like Stephane Dion, but he's better than Harper so he got my vote. My aunt and uncle voted before they left - advance polling. They both voted Conservative too. At least Mary and my mom agree on Stephen Harper (blah). Oh well.

Yeah, so that's my boring life. I'm going to try and write some fan fic for these Inuyasha communities I've been joining. We'll have to wait and see!
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