Yesterday was the International Princess Day (if you want to learn more about that, please go
here). My day wasn't exactly the perfect day due to bad waking up, bad weather and bad news. So I decided to have my own "After Princess Day" today. ^___^ So far it's a success!
I woke up with some difficulties but didn't have any bad message awaiting me, and the weather is perfect! Blue sky, sun shinning, a little wind, birds singing. This fills my heart with happiness.
I was supposed to go to a small doll event that is held today (for the 10th anniversary of the Dollshow), but I took so much time to get prepared and do a few things I wanted to do, just enjoying the feeling of not being pressured, that at noon I was still at home. I offered to eat together with my husband before going. Since the weather was so nice we had a little picnic in a nearby park with some friends and students of his lab. I love picnics!! ^_^ This one was improvised so it was only combini food and not a nice homemade meal but it was nice nonetheless. Today is the last holiday of the Golden Week, so the park was full of families have picnics too. And by the time we got back I thought it wasn't really worth going to Tokyo anymore: I would have arrived at around 3pm, and would have been at the event twenty or thirty minutes later, when it ends at 4. I decided not to rush there and rather enjoy the rest of the day in our town, peacefully.
I had a few errands to do in Tokyo for some people, but I'll do them later this week. If I don't have any other reasons to go to Tokyo I might try to go to a few new stores that might be interesting, to see where they are and what they have. It's always good to discover new interesting places.
So instead I'm enjoying a nice and quiet day. Right now I'm writing here which is something I'd like to do more often. And after I might do some sewing, bake a cake (I think that's a perfect thing to do on a Princess Day, don't ask me why... ^^; ) and when the sun goes down a bit go back to the park to read a nice book (reading: THE perfect activity for a Princess Day) or take some pictures of my dolls (or both maybe).
And of course I'm wearing one of my most elegant gothic lolita dress. ;) The only Victorian Maiden dress I have. I love VM clothes.
I'm afraid I will have to take care of those bad news I got yesterday, I know what I have to do but right now I want to enjoy the perfect afternoon so I might do it tonight. We'll see.
I'll tell you later about the rest of the day. :)
I hope everyone is having a nice day too.