Nov 26, 2004 20:25
I have decided to tell you all about my view on sex and other things, Im doing this because I want to make it as clear as I can.
Yes, honest to God, I'm a virgin, the reason for this is not because I havent had any opertunities to do it, its because im not going to have sex with someone thats not special to me. I would have to be going out with the person,we would have to have a healthy relationship, know one another very well, and both of us would have to want to take our relationship to that level. The reason why I say sometimes that Im waiting for engagement or marriage is because the way things are going Im probably going have to wait untill then to be sure that they care about me enough, but hey you never know who might come into my life.
~Making Out~
Ive never made out with anyone because Ive not sure that they wanted to and I didnt want to feel stupid, another reason is im a little scared that since I have never made out that Im not good at it buuut practice makes perfect right? so I guess now that Im thinking about it I would make out with someone that Im going out with and maybe someone that Im not, it depends on how much I like them and other circumstances.
~Feeling Up~
Yes I'll do this when im not going out with someone and when I am (( i dont mean ill cheat lol )). I dont know why ill do this easiler than making out, maybe its because im a guy? i dunno lol.
Ok thats all i can think of for now, if you want to know more let me know...