Feb 07, 2008 17:29
Creepy conversation I had with creepy customer at work today...
Creepy Guy: Do you have any egg nog?
Me: ::pointedly looking @ closed sign:: Not anymore.
Creepy Guy: Why?
Me: Because its a seasonal drink. We can't get egg nog from the stores anymore.
Creepy Guy: Why? Its a cold weather drink. You should have it all winter.
Me: ::start to explain::
Creepy Guy: ::interrupts:: Well what do you have here that will get me worked up?
Me: ::trying to avoid looking at drool collecting on Creepy Guy's lips but fails because he's like 3 inches from my face:: Ummm.. We're actually closed right now.
Creepy Guy: You don't like me do you?
Me: What? No.
Creepy Guy: Are you married?
Me: ..No.
Creepy Guy: Are you looking to get married?
Me: 0_0 Not right now!
Creepy Guy: Ah! Looking for someone to change your interest.
Me: ::Smile and act polite then flee to back stock room::