May 30, 2005 15:44
So, does the stuff under the grates cause the stuff above to happen? I notice there is a lot of stuff hanging above the void. E.G. the hanging bodies all over SH1. The theme park caged torsos in 3. Mandarins in 2. Bodies in the "between worlds" in 4.... maybe they are like that because the void has direct contact to them. I dunno. Not too many theories today.
However, I can ask, why does the radio pick up the monsters. This appears to be them sending out some signal. I think that here, it picks up the waves of the void directly affecting the live creatures. Possibly controlling them. There... The radio waves are the void affecting the creatures. Then when the world shifts, sirens are heard, so obvious that the radio is not needed. This shifting causes audible sirens. possibly because the town picks up peoples memories of emergencies, which most people would associate with sirens. Thus, the town has, as part of the changing, siren noises, which show that the town is becoming much more disturbed.