Oct 15, 2015 15:01
R and I are getting marriaed Nov 6.
Holy crap.
We got the license today, and THAT, not the deposits for the venue, not the shelling out $$ for catering, not dealing with the guest list, THAT is what made it feel real for me.
I guess I'm a lawyer down to my bones.
We are pulling it off for under 3K, which I think is reaosnable.
The only bit that really blows is that some of the people i really wanted to come can't make it, for money reasons. And there isn't anythign I can do about it...
I'm thinking an East Coast tour at some point next summer might be a good idea, just to reconnect, but we'll see what shakes out.
For now, we are T-22 days and I have to put the pedal to the metal.