previous logs:
april 10 → july 10 next logs:
november 07 → July 11, 2012
Art Shop: Received sake07, big puppy05 and 1 grey crayon
July 12, 2012
Art Shop: Received space01, space02 and dark fusion05
July 15, 2012
Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 96: Received aristocrat04 and kira08
July 17, 2012
Recycled Art: Received crystal13, blastia07, blastia09, blastia11, blastia15, blastia17, blastia18 and blastia20
Voting: Received stoic12 and water drop19
July 18, 2012
Donate a deck: Received fire fist05, gal05, bench07 and 1 green crayon
Level Up: Received cooking11, medecine02, space04 and 1 green crayon
Art Shop: Received 1 purple crayon, 1 grey crayon, 1 brown crayon, 1 yellow crayon and 1 orange crayon
July 20, 2012
Mastery: Received rising04, wizard03, space03 and 1 blue crayon
Host Club Giveaway 52: Received calming01 and bloody rose12
Spare Parts 94: Received clueless01 and corpses04
Go Fish 103: Received thinking10
Guess the Color 104: Received headband16 and pop star11
Guess the Color 105: Received fire tornado08 and harp note01
July 21, 2012
Color's Coloring Book 42: Received wine10, honest19, focused08, hakubaiko16, destruction15, radio host11, 1 brown crayon and 1 grey crayon
July 22, 2012
Pick a Color 50: Received slave07, fox10, observe03 and 1 green crayon
Recycled Art: Received blackrose15, blue eyes20, falena14, falena17, protect17, red eyes04, red eyes05 and red eyes 19
Reading Between the Lines 54: Received status10, brown16 and parents07
Reading Between the Lines 55: Received teacher16, exsphere16, submit19
July 25, 2012
Neku's Music Station 102: Received answer17, pipe12 and 66616
Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 101: Received dog tags16, wisdom12 and piercings20
Pokeradar 101: Received rosary05 and pervert14
July 28, 2012
Pot of Gold 23: Received basement12, faint attack06, christianity14, sleeping03, denpakei08, homophobe20, darkness01 and bk-20120 (for boyish11, hre03 and poppo09)
Art Lesson with Rukia 111: Received touch this16 and balut16
Shadow Watching with Shikamaru99: Received prussia04 and leader09
Reading Between the Lines 56: Received dullahan08, plasma19 and alien05
July 29, 2012
Recycled Art Received kritya01, kritya05, kritya09, kritya10, kritya11, kritya13, kritya16 and kritya17
August 6, 2012
Donate a Deck: Received okama07, world-class10, prodigal08 and 1 grey crayon
Pick a Color 51 Received obnoxious07, grapes16, chupa10 and bloodshot10
Art Shop: Received red eyes01, red eyes02, photon01, photon02, photon03, ice car01, space11, kindhearted03, kindhearted05, dark fusion06, dark fusion07, dark fusion08, singer19, fork13 and 1 yellow crayon
Art Studio: Received space06, space07, space08 and space09
Neku's Music Station 103: Received illusions14, motorcycle04 and bon17
Recycled Art: Received kritya18, kritya20, thunder09, thunder13 and thunder17
August 9, 2012
Switch it Up 56: Received dark fusion16 (composer05)
August 12, 2012
August Release: Received musicboxes03, eris01, labcoat03, conceited07, tsunpo12, transform03, fish06, nervous01, brick break09 and asteria08
August 13, 2012
Art Lesson with Rukia 112: Received wind zero06 and schwert09
Art Lesson with Rukia 113: Received apple08 and black haru14
August 16, 2012
Host Club Giveaway 53: Received friendship06 and cure peach07
August 17, 2012
Switch it up 56: Received clear10
- Level Up: Received knit07, seja16, space17 and 1 yellow crayon
August 20, 2012
Pick a Color 52: Received luck03 and invincible01
Mastery: Received bloody rose11, heat12, photon04 and 1 red crayon
August 23, 2012
Art Shop: Received guitar08, trance19 and 1 grey crayon
Art Studio: Received photon05, photon06, photon08 and photon09
August 24, 2012
Switch it Up 57: Received pain11 (zephyr10)
September 4, 2012
Reading Between the Lines 57: Received nirvash13, worry05 and head butler10
Art Lesson with Rukia 116: Received cap10 and poppo17
Pick a color 53: Received taisa15, keyboard07 and lily16
September 10, 2012
September Release: Received trusting01, trusting09, gemstone01, petite01, indian11, temptress07, zaibatsu06, stronger14, tensai02 and irontail05
August Release: Received unwritten05, galaxian09, gentle19 and 1 blue crayon
Donate a Deck: Received shades14, kunlun11, naive15 and 1 orange crayon
Donate a Deck: Received schwarzer11, dialect12, robin12 and 1 yellow crayon
Host Club Giveaway 55: Received yo-yo13 and princess15
September 14, 2012
Host Club Giveaway 56: Received zaibatsu09 and actor13
September 15, 2012
Art Shop: Received elemental13, red eyes06, red eyes07, red eyes09, crystal18 and dark fusion09
September 17, 2012
Art Studio: Received photon10, photon11, photon12, photon13
September 28, 2012
Host Club Giveaway 57: Received jian12 and east10
Seiyuu Guess 95: Received ice car06, lettuce16 and lazy12
October 2, 2012
Pick a Color 55: Received photon14
October 5, 2012
Art Shop: Received kali-yugi10, headmaster03 and 1 green crayon
Art Studio: Received photon15, photon16, photon17 and photon18
November 7, 2012
Pick a Color 56: Received honest04, moonlight02 and pure08
October Release: Received skilled05, cartology01, estabul02, logical02, eggs02, odd09, rorona12, scream04 and villains01
July 11, 2012
- countdown06 for space20
here- space03 for maxwell20
here July 12, 2012
- orange12 for space19
here- first son10 for birthmark09
here- big puppy05 for dark fusion13
here July 16, 2012
- aristocratic06 for overpower14
here- birthmark03, black rose09, thunder08 and thunder12 for bored20, countdown08, feather13 and necklace02
here July 17, 2012
- pistol13 and precise19 for birthmark14 and birthmark18
here July 20, 2012
- awkward01 for space05
here July 28, 2012
- cats17 for space12
here July 29, 2012
- christianity14, destruction15, radio host11, brown16 and dog tags16 for crystal07, darkness12, falena11, kindhearted04, thunder06
here July 30, 2012
- ice car03, ice car05 and ice car15 for countdown02, countdown03 and countdown07
here(Completed and
traded in a sketchpad)
- maps02 and thinking10 for moderator03 and thunder14
here- cake pig15, cgi04, gal05, hamha20, honest19, hysteria19 and henshin07 for heal05, ice car02, kindhearted01, kindhearted02, pain07, stardust15 and stardust19
here July 31, 2012
- countdown09, countdown12 and faint attack06 for black rose17, ghouls20 and thunder15
here August 11, 2012
- basement12, fox10 and singer19 for birthmark10, blue eyes12 and heal18
here August 12, 2012
- eris01 for asteria19
here- music boxes03 for asteria20
here- labcoat03 for asteria18
here- tsunpo12 for elemental14
here- fish06 for asteria15
here(Completed and
traded in a sketchpad)
August 15, 2012
- conceited07 for asteria17
here August 17, 2012
- brick break09 and bon17 for asteria12 and space10
here August 20, 2012
- chat15 for games11
here August 22, 2012
- nervous01 for asteria14
here- cellphone08, fork13 and meat12 for black rose04, black rose07 and crystal17
here- sablier14 for black rose01
here August 23, 2012
- transform03 for asteria16
here August 31, 2012
- black haru14 and wizard03 for kattobing02 and thunder01
here September 4, 2012
- wisdom12 for heal07
here September 11, 2012
- zaibatsu06 for trusting04
here- stronger14 for red eyes08, thunder04, thunder11 and thunder18
here- indian11 for trusting02
here September 13, 2012
- birthmark08, birthmark20, black rose02, black rose03, clear09, elemental02, elemental05, elemental07, overpower05, overpower13, pain01 and pharaoh06
here September 15, 2012
- iron tail05 for trusting05
here- defense19 for spirit magic12
here(Completed and
traded in a sketchpad)
September 28, 2012
- freedom19, galaxian09, invincible01, keyboard07, music04, okama07 and star healer12 for blackbird08, kattobing16, pain04, pain10, pain13, psyqualia02 and psyqualia12
here October 2, 2012
- tensai02 for trusting06