
Hot as balls.

Jun 30, 2008 14:05

When I was younger, I often told myself that eventually I would move out of this province. My reason for doing so, however, would not be a result of my dissatisfaction of Alberta’s increasingly incompetent government; nor would it be because of teenage rebellion coupled with a strong desire to get involved with British Columbia’s “agriculture industry” (wink wink, cough cough.) No, my reason is simple: the climate here sucks. Winters in Edmonton drop to temperatures comparable to Moscow, which is not surprising as the two cities are only 2 degree longitude apart. Summers are absolutely ridiculous and as a moderately larger gentleman, I do not do well in heat. At least in winter I can simply put on a coat and feel cozy or at the very least, presentable; in summer, no matter how naked I try to be without violating public decency, it is never enough to stave off excessive sweat. And I’m originally from a tropical country for crying out loud, what the hell happened to my natural proclivity to hot temperatures?

But enough of my complaining about the heat, how are you? That’s fantastic. Me? Well, I’m working in administration this summer at a non-profit Hospice here in Edmonton. Thus far, the job has been reasonably good. As a handful of you may remember, I am an economics major with a bit of an interest in developmental economics. What does that mean? It is the closest thing to being a tree-hugging hippie within the department. The ultimate goal for folks of my kind is to score a job with the World Bank, U.N, IMF, or any non-profit organization promoting economic development in the third-world. Or at least that is my understanding. Luckily, I am one of the few individuals who managed to land a summer job with duties similar to what I should expect if I somehow get a career with my degree where I work in fund development and take people’s money. In the course of my summer employment, my experience has demonstrated one thing about my intended goal: it is not my cup of tea. As much as I can tout the nobility of working for a charity, especially one that is the sole-provider of palliative care in a city with a population a little under a million, the actual office work itself I cannot see me doing as a career. Maybe if I fall into a job field closer to what I am interested in my mind will change but in the meantime, I have been seriously considering other possibilities for professional directions. What are they, you are most likely not asking? Well, I’ll save that for later for another long-winded, gasp-I-am-growing-up-when-the-hell-did-this-happen, post. But for now, geekier things must be discussed.

So who else is going to PAX at the end of August? Myself, evilgetyours, and a couple friends of ours are road tripping down to Washington through BC. monkeyhitman may also make an appearance there which will finally fulfill the prophecy of the world imploding on itself when we meet. It’ll be nifty.


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