Like SnicKerS, GuaRantEEd tO SatiSfy…

Aug 12, 2004 00:37

Hey PeaNutbuTTaCups...! HAS ANYONE SEEN OR HEARD FROM CAROL?!?!?!? I CAN’T FIND HER!....anyways...2day was an IntereSting day...I went to the Visions practice ::ugz:: and then I called my mOm 2 ask her about Ferguson…she said she called the lady and said that im gunna have 2 start in braddock until someone from the school drops out cuz its still full ::yay!:: ok the thing is I want to go 2 braddock for the first week or w/e cuz that would be awesome saying hi and bye 2 everyone when I leave sure it will be sad but its better than not seeing them at all so that’s good! lol ok and now w00t I can’t wait till I become a fergi its gunna be so much fun lol taking over the school and wut not…ok anyways well CARLOS GOT BRACES! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Jk I love u muah! their not that bad sheshums... and I just came back from nati’s surprise limo birthday party thing! wOOt!.....ok danny is ‘suppose’ to pick me up around 5 right...WRONG... we comes around 5:45... then he drives 2 publix 2 buy flowers for nati, (gets ugly ass flowers) then I get a call from mamalex...’the limo is there!’ OMG danny comes back in and I tell him...he gives me this face of I just wanna curl up and die kinda face and then…ON A BEYOND EMPTY TANK…we pick up mike and head 2 nati’s house...danny’s card was all fuged up cuz his computer didn’t have ink and blah blah (that’s y he was late) and he wrote the card on a paper that got stuck in like a thing in his car and now had 2 holes in it...lmao the poor w/e we finally get there nati is all happy and we go riding in the limo! (pics on the way) then we stop at the beach and walk around lmao and marilex in heals...(again pics r coming) lol so then we ride around for another hour and we start dancing and ‘drinking’ and being dorks… so then we eat at nati’s house and have sum cake and then I am now here...on the internet... And I am no sad... Because I am mad at alberto because he would rather stay in a dumb school then go with his crew 2 a better school and ya I wouldn’t talk to him and he said this….[Silver Spidey7 [12:17 AM]: i do miss you, ya know.... ] IM GUNNA MISS U 2 ALBERTO! I LOVE U MAN! AND YA THIS SUCKS... im gunna go cry now :...(
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